Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2015 — A TEAM THAT PADDLES TOGETHER [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


On March 1 5, a group of OHA staff and their 'ohana participated in the 30th annual Duke Kahanamoku Challenge at the Duke Kahanamoku Beach and Lagoon at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. The event helped raise funds for the WaikLkī Community Center, whieh provides various services for those who live, work and visit the Waikīkī area. Since its ineephon in 1 985, the Duke Kahanamoku Challenge has grown in size and now attracts thousands of attendees who participate in a 'A-mile six-man eanoe race, two-man paddle board race, huki kaula (Hawaiian tug-of-war), as well as a variety of Hawaiian Makahiki games. īhe eventalso provided nonstop live entertainment where loeal businesses, hotels and communily organizations could bring friends and family to enjoy a day of competition and relaxation on the heaeh. Representing OHA in the six-man eanoe race, from left, are: Alieia Wailehua-Hansen, Nieole Davis, Andrew Wilkinson-Leong, David Price, Keali'i Holt and Brad Wong. - Photo: Kai Markell