Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 3, 1 March 2015 — Kakaʻako Makai community meetings get underway [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Kakaʻako Makai community meetings get underway

By Garett Kamemoto n the packed cafeteria at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, more than 100 beneficiaries, Kaka'ako stakeholders and interested parties gathered at a community meeting. It was the first of a series of meetings throughout the pae 'āina to gather input as the Office of Hawaiian Affairs charts a master plan for Kaka'ako Makai. Meetings were scheduled statewide and were to wrap up in early March. Participants shared their ideas for an urban Hawaiian space where culture and commerce could work together to benefit Native

Hawaiians and, by extension, everyone in Hawai'i. OHA Land and Property Committee Chairwoman Carmen "Hulu" Lindsey greeted participants, calling the process an opportunity "to plan and create a model urban waterfront eommunity in Kaka'ako Makai that will blend contemporary living while evoking a Hawaiian sense of plaee and serving as a heaeon for

Native Hawaiian values, practices and deep knowledge." The master-planning process is being led by Kuhikuhi Pu'uone Collaborative, made up of firms that have experience in and around Kaka'ako: Edith Kanaka'ole Foundation; DTL; PBR Hawai'i; and WCIT Architec-

ture. The meetings are just the beginning of the community engagement process for OHA's Kaka'ako Makai lands. For more information on Kaka'ako Makai and to share your mana'o to the questions asked at the community meetings, visit OHA.org/kakaako. The websites will be updated periodically with additional requests for feedback as well as the latest information on the master-planning process. ■

Your Kaka'ako Makai Mana'o To provide input in the Kaka'ako Makai master-planning process, visit oha.org/ kakaako Topics and questions on the site are expected to change as additional input is sought.

GOVERNANGE To restore pono and ea, Native Hawaiians will achieve self-gover-nanee, after whieh the assets of OHAwillhe transferred to the new governing entity.

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Maliū Ka'aihue of DTL makes a presentation on 0HA's master planning process at the John A. Burns School of Medicine.

OHA Trustees Leina'ala Ahu lsa and Carmen Hulu Lindsey and Pualani Kanahele of the Edith Kanaka'ole listen to feedback.

Eacilitators record feedback from the puhlie. - 1 /ideo and Stills: James Hall and lachary /illanueva