Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 3, 1 March 2015 — Aloha mai kākou, [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Aloha mai kākou,
Visionary and inclusive. That's what many are calling upon us at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to be as we move to develop our Kaka'ako Makai lands. As this issue of Ka Wai Ola goes to press, we are in the midst of a series of eommunity meetings to get input on a master plan for the area of Kaka'ako makai of Ala Moana Boulevard. There, we have nine parcels of roughly 30 acres that are underutilized and in some cases, a bit of an eyesore. This is a tremendous opportunity not just for OHA, but also for everyone in Hawai'i. For the first time, Hawaiians will be able to decide the future for a plaee that we envision as a gathering plaee for everyone. Culture and commerce ean truly work together at a high level to create a plaee where we ean generate revenue to bolster OHA programs, such as grants and scholarships. This presents a great opportunity, because the jobs we create and the revenue we generate will circulate in Hawai'i. Throughout this process, will be working with the brightest minds we ean find. For the master planning process, we have retained Kuhikuhi Pu'uone Collaborative, consisting of the Edith Kanaka'ole Foundation, WCIT Architecture, DTL and PBR Hawaii. These groups have been working on many other projects in the Kaka'ako area. They are some of the best and brightest that
are bringing a new energy to urban Honolulu. Many of the principals and their employees happen to be Native Hawaiian. In the procurement process we are mandated to follow, we were seeking to find the best regardless of background. This affirms my belief that when you go out to find the best and the brightest, you will find Native Hawaiians. I truly believe this is a new chapter for OHA and for Hawaiians: where we ean do more to uplift Native Hawaiians, we ean make Hawai'i stronger and we ean create a uniquely Hawaiian gathering plaee. These meetings are just the beginning. If you weren't able to make the meetings, or even if you attended and have more to share, please go to our website at kakaakomakai.com to give us your input. And retum often because as time goes on, we will be updating it and asking you for more input. We will be inclusive; we will be visionary. I And we build a better Kaka'ako Makai.
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'O au iho no me ke aloha a me ka 'oia'i'o, Kamana'opono M. Crabbe, Ph.D. Ka Pouhana/Chief Executive Officer