Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 3, 1 March 2015 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OHow old are you? Write your score in the box. Less than 40 years (0 points) 40 — 49 years (1 point) 50 — 59 years (2 points) 60 years or older (3 poīnts) Are you a man or a woman? Man(1point) Woman (0 points) lf you are a woman, have you ever been diagnosed with gestational diabetes? Yes (1 point) No (0 points) Do you have a mother, father, sister, or brother with diabetes? Ycs(1point) No(0points) | Q Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure? Yes (1 point) No (0 points) Are you physically active? Yes (0 points) No ( 1 point) What is your weight status? (vee chart at right) I lf you scored 5 or higher: You are at increased risk for havingType 2 diabetes. However,only your doctor ean tell for sure if you do have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes (a condition the precedes type 2 diabetes in whieh blood glucose levels are higher than normal). Talktoyour doctor to see if additional testing is needed. Type 2 diabetes is more eommon in African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos,American lndians,Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians,and Pacific lslanders. Higher body weights increasediabetes riskfor everyone.Asian Americans are at increased diabetes risk at lower body weights than the rest of the general public (about 15 pounds lower). For more information# visit us at diabetes.org/hawaii or eall (808) 947-5979 DVisit us on Facebook facebook.com/adahawaii American Diabetes Association. ESTABLISHED 1940

4' 10' | 119-142 | 143-190 191 + 4' 11* 1 124-147 148-197 ' 198+ j 5 0* 128-152 153-203 284+ S'l* 132-157 1 58-210 211+ 5 r 1 136-163 [ 164-217 218+ | 5'r 1 141-168 169-224 225+ 5 4* ~^\ 145-173 174-231 232+ 55* J 150 179 180 239 240t 1 5' 6* | 155-185 [ 186-246 247+ <77* 159-190 | 191-254 255+ j 5" 8* | 164-196 I 197-261 262+ 5-r 1 169-202 203-269 270+ 5' 10" 174 208 209 277 278» 5' 11* | 179-214 | 215-285 286+ 60* ] 184-720 [ 221-293 794+ 6 1* 189 226 ] 227-301 302+ 6' 2* ] 194 232 I 233-310 311 + 6 3* | 200239 | 240-318 319+ 6 4* 1 205-245 246-327 328+ (1 Point) (2 Points) (3 Po«nts) You weigh less th«n the amount in thc lcft eolumn (0 po»nts) Addptcd trom Bang <V , Ann kuem Mcd 151:775-783. 2009 Onginal aigorrthm w+i vvīthout 9estation+l tfcabetes as part of the mode».