Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 3, 1 March 2015 — THE GIFT OF REJUVENATION, INSPIRATION and a BRIGHTER FUTURE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Makana Esthethics Wellness Academy offers an oasis in urban Honolulu By Francine Kananionapua Murray Stress causes over 75 percent of doctor visits, according to a recent study. So, on the quest to de-stress, people in-the-know escape the hustle and bustle of city life right here in the heart of Iwilei. Just mauka of Nimitz Highway as you walk through the first-lloor hall of Nā Lama Kukui, serenity awaits at Makana Esthetics Wellness Academy. The beautiful new location has a calming atmosphere where regulars ean be found relaxing and de-stress-ing amid tropical facials or upscale body treatments. "The products we use are the same brands used in many five-star hotels

and spas, but our procedures are a fraction of the price," said Malia Sanchez, founder of Makana Esthetics Wellness Academy, a vocational school specializing in preparing its students to heeome skincare professionals licensed as estheticians. "We have faithful clients that love the treatments. Some of them regularly eome in twice a week." Having worked in the indus-

try for 21 years, the Kaua'i native incorporated Hawaiian values and techniques into the treatments she provided, and in 2007 she made her dream a reality. With the help of an OHA Mālama Loan for $25,000 for equipment and inventory, Sanchez opened a Hawaiian-culture based estheticians' school near Ala Moana Center. In January 2015, the wellness academy moved to its new location on Nimitz. "Because you need to be Native Hawaiian to qualify for the loan, you have a sense of belonging," Sanchez explained. "I feel it's a privilege for us. When we applied for the Mālama Loan it was huge for us, because we really needed it to get started." OHA provided Sanchez a business adviser, and he was able to guide

her through the process. "OHA explained it was in the best interest of everyone that we succeed," she said. "They were a great support even after the loan was paid. They really cared about our well-being." Advanced techniques The small, intimate classes at Makana are designed to nurture and

support eaeh apprentice, giving them more than just the core skincare education but the type of hands-on experience expected in the finest spas. "I really wanted to build

something here in Hawai'i that we could be proud of," she said. "I designed this program with loeal people in mind, and a desire to motivate individuals to achieve their fullest potential." Sanchez says one thing that sets her academy apart from others is that her core curriculum includes lessons SEE WELLNESS ON PAGE 10

0HA's Mālama Loan Native Hawaiians who want to borrow upto $19,999 for business startup or expansion expenses mayqualifyfora Mālama Loan. Here are some features anel requirements of the loan: • New low 4 percent APR fixed interest rate on business loans. • Credit score of 600 and Debt-to-lncome Ratio (DIR) of 45 percent or lower, 650 or highercredit score for debt consolidations • Minimum loan amount $2,500. Maximum is $19,999 • For loan requests under $10,000, one month consecutive current pay stubs and W-2 is required • For loan requests $10,000 and over, two years most recent personal/business tax returns, and one month current consecutive paystubs if applicable • Business must be 100 percent Native Hawaiian owned • For business applications, interim financial statements and twoyears most recent federal tax returns, including all schedules • leehnieal assistance may be required of approved loans • Verification and breakdown of the use of funds is a requirement • Draft business plan is required forstartup business loans To be eligibleyou must be a U.S. citizen, Hawai'i resident, 18years of age orover, and Native Hawaiian (verified by birth certificate, 0HA Hawaiian Registry card or Kamehameha Schools verification letter). For more information, contact Robert Crowell at (808) 5941924 or email robertc@oha.org.


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At Makana Esthetics Wellness Academy students learn advanced skincare k techniques. - Photos: He!son Gaspar

Malia Sanchez, Principal & Owner of Makana Esthetics Wellness Academy sat with Ka Wai Ola in February 201 5 to share her feelings on how starting the Academy was a gift.

WELLNESS Continued from page 6

in advanced techniques. "There's really no other school that offers their students advanced training in their core esthetics," she said. Advanced training in techniques such as modern microdermabrasion, ehemieal peels, enzyme peels, Brazilian waxing, eyebrow design and makeup application are integral to what estheticians need to know, Sanchez said. Most schools don't teach the advanced techniques as part of their core curriculum, and instead charge additional fees, she said. The curriculum and hands-on learning are done in the classroom. Students have to pass all the written tests and the hands-on portion before they ean advance to the spa. In the spa they practice what they've learned, have midterms, more practice and then finals and a practicum before graduation. Keeping students and alumni on the cutting edge in their field, the academy regularly brings in guest speakers and beauty specialists from high-end professional product lines to teach them about the most advanced product technology. Job preparedness Not only are graduates job ready, Makana helps them with job plaeement. "Numerous graduates of

Makana Academy are sought after by prestigious high-end spas," said Sanchez. "We have been supporting the industry by providing them with well-qualified professionals to meet their needs. A few of the companies we work with are Aulani Disney Resort & Spa, Halekūlani, Heaven on Earth, Honolulu MedSpa, Benefit Cosmetics, Blush Hawai'i, The Waxing Co. and Mae Cosmetics." "After I graduated I had to go away to learn this profession," Sanchez recalled. "There's no reason our people should have to go away to be educated. Now other people eome here, to Hawai'i, to learn. Starting this business was a gift and I look for opportunities to give back to my community." "Makana" means gift or reward in Hawaiian. But at Makana Esthetics Wellness Academy, makana has meant the gift of a brighter future for the hundreds of students who have attended the academy and gained confidence, self-esteem and professional skills that will last a lifetime. To learn more about spa treatments, special events or the classes that start every six weeks, visit makanaacademy.com or eall 5916090. Makana hosts customizedluxury spa parties for bridal showers, birthday celebrations, ladies' luncheons, wellness days and employee appreciation events. All you need is five or more to get the party started. ■

www.oha.org/kwo | kwo@OHA.org NATIVE HAWAIIAN » NEWS | FEATURES | EVENTS

Makana Esthetics Wellness Academy students study skincare in the Hawaiian-culture based estheticians' school.