Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2015 — Kailua High Project Graduation [ARTICLE]
Kailua High Project Graduation
Kailua High School Project Graduation invites the public to its inaugural ho'olaule'a, whieh aims to raise funds for an aleohol- and drug-free celebration for the Class of 2015. The spring ho'olaule'a will be held Saturday, Feb. 21 from 3 to 8 p.m. at the Kailua High School campus (cafeteria and grounds). "Seniors and parents are hosting a true lū'au-style Ho'olaule'a, including 'ono Hawaiian dinner,
live entertainment, raffles, prizes, free kids activities and more," organizers said. Entertainment includes Chinky Mahoe and Hālau Hula Kawaili'ulā, Ku'uipo Kumukahi, the KHS Hawaiian Ensemble and KHS Symphonic and Jazz Band. Tickets are $20 presale, and $30 at the door. Children under 4 are free. If you are supporting a Kailua High senior, mention that student's name and he or she will earn $5 toward their Project Graduation registration fee. For information and to purchase tickets, visit www.kailua-surfers. org, send an email to khspg2015@ gmail.com or eall Miehelle (808) 286-1211.