Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 12, 1 December 2014 — SPONSORSHIPS [ARTICLE]
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs sponsors events that address the needs of the Native Hawaiian Community. Sponsorships provide funding support to organizations whose programs and events benefit the Hawaiian Community. Sponsorships are generally awarded to support various community events that serve or support Native Hawaiians or increase awareness of Hawaiian culture and history.
Culture $145,456.21 Education $50,020.00 Governance $167,561.02 Health $28,700.00 Housing $27,500.00 Improve Family Lifestyle $25,000.00 Income $10,000.00 Land $51,999.00
Sponsorships total $506,236.23
Beamer Solomon Halau o Po'ohala Bishop Museum Friends of 'lolani Palace, The Hawai'i Maoli Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site and Archives Hi'ipaka Historic Hawai'i Foundation Ko'olauloa Hawaiian Civic Club Na Moku Aupuni o Ko'olau Hui Na Pualei o Likolehua LlI 9j Pohai 'o Kamehameha (? Hawai'i Maoli 3 Hui Malama I Na Kupuna Ke'alohilani Serrao Damien and Marianne Foundation, The Hawai'i Maoli Malie Foundation Na Koa 'Opio Na Po'e Kokua Waiola Church Kuaola-He'eia Ecumenical Youth University of Hawai'i z University of Hawai'i 2 Native Hawaiian Education 5 Association 3 Chaminade University of Honolulu ^ Maunaloa Elementary School University of Hawai'i University of Sydney, The
$10,164 $5,000 $5,000 $15,000 $5,000 $25,000 $3,500 $5,000 $25,000 $2,000 $1,000 $15,000 $4,792.21 $1,000 $5,000 $1,000 $3,500 $1,500 $10,000 $2,000 $1,250 $3,500 $5,000 $20,000 $8,000 $2,000 $7,515 $2,755
76th Tokyo International Gift Show in Japan 15th Annual Bernice Pauahi Bishop Awards Dinner Retail operation improvements Prince Kuhio Festival Huaka'i: A Musical Journey! 2013 Summer Concert Series 2013 Kama'aina of the Year Diamond/Emerald Anniversary Event Kaui Kanakaole's hula mentorship and book publication Annual Na Lani 'Eha Concert 8th Annual Kalani Ali'i Awards Banquet On behalf of Hawai'i Pono'i coalition to support 'Onipa'a Repatriate iwi kupuna and participate in the Pacific Presences: Oceanic Art & European Museums Conference 2014 Annual Merrie Monarch Miss Aloha Hula Hawaiian Language Award Museum benefit dinner Ko'olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club Distinguished Kama'aina Awards Dinner Halau Ka Lei Mokihana o Leina'ala Ho'ike, Ho'oku'ikahi at Pu'ukohola Heiau, 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu Maui Conference and Anniversary, History, Culture and Music Festival 10th Annual Ko'olau 'Ohana Festival UH Distinguished Alumni Awards The Native American Moot Court Team for 2013-2014 season 15th Annual Native Hawaiian Education Association (NHEA) Convention CyBiz Forum School equipment 2013 Critical Ethnic Studies Conference in Chicago Student scholarship support
International O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu Maui O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu International Hawai'i O'ahu O'ahu Kaua'i Hawai'i Maui Maui O'ahu O'ahu U.S. Continent O'ahu O'ahu Moloka'i U.S. Continent International
Office of Hawaiian Affairs | Ka'a ka 'ili'ili i ke ala kalai i na lala o ka nahele
Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote, Inc. Bishop Museum Hawai'i Maoli Mana Maoli University of Hawai'i Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement o Hawai'i Maoli < APAICS (Asian Pacific American Instia tute for Congressional Studies) > American University § Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of the American Indian Aloha First University of Hawai'i Hawai'i Maoli Hawaiian Education & Reinstatement Foundation Papakolea Community Development Corporation American Cancer Society x American Diabetes Association b I Ola Lahui < u Friends of the Future Karuna Project, The WaikTkT Community Center I Hawai'i Habitat for Humanity H|flwai'anae Kai Hawaiian Homestead Association >. Alu Like, Inc. ? 2 u Lunalilo Home ;< >! Lunalilo Home til </j Lunalilo Home > LlI o t Parents and Children Together ^ "" 'Ohana Ministries Inc. - Parents and Children Together ^ Native Hawaiian Chamber ^ of Commerce o z Hawai'i Maoli Papahana Kuaola a Mana Maoli z < Nature Conservancy, The Wai'anae Community Redevelopment Corporation
$25,000 $10,000 $5,000 $5,500 $7,671 $25,000 $25,000 $1,700 $4,645 $25,000 $25,000 $4,144.88 $1,250 $150 $2,500 $2,000 $15,000 $1,200 $2,000 $6,000 $2,500 $2,500 $25,000 $10,000 $3,500 $3,000 $1,500 $2,000 $3,500 $1,500 $10,000 $2,000 $1,750 $15,750 $24,999 $7,500
2014 APIA Vote field programs No Vote No Grumble campaign Governor Ariyoshi's 88th Birthday Luncheon Ka Mana o Ke Kanaka Awards Dinner 170th anniversary La Ho'iho'i Ea 2013 Celebrations U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York 12th Annual Native Hawaiian Convention 54th Annual Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Convention 20th APAICS Gala in Washington, D.C. American University WINS Internship in Washington, D.C. NMAI Living Aloha event honoring Senator Daniel K. Inouye FY14 Sponsorship — Nation Building with Unions Jon Van Dyke Tribute Symposium Ka Mana o Ke Kanaka Awards Queen's 'Onipa'a Celebration 'Aina Ahiahi Pa'ina 6th Annual Relay for Life of Kamehameha Alumni Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes Annual fundraiser KIpuka o Ke Ola, Oasis of Life, Health, and Weil-Being Trauma Literacy Symposium Na Mea Makamae o Waiklkl 2013 7th Annual Build-A-Thon Annual Sovereign Councils of the Hawaiian Homelands Assembly (SCHHA) Convention Special interest group on indigenous aging Annual Lunalilo Home Lu'au 23rd Annual Lunalilo Home Golf Tournament 22nd Annual Golf Tournament Weekend in Havana Fundraiser Kupuna Christmas celebration Suicide Prevention Workshop 'O 'o Awards Restoration of ahupua'a boundary ahu Meheanu Dinner Kanehunamoku Voyaging Academy Halau Holomoana Program to Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument Marine Fellowship Program 2014-2015 Ma'o Community Food Security Initiative
Statewide O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu U.S. Continent O'ahu Kaua'i U.S. Continent U.S. Continent U.S. Continent Statewide O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu Hawai'i Hawai'i O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu U.S. Continent O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu Moloka'i Moloka'i O'ahu O'ahu O'ahu mokuakea Statewide O'ahu
Office of Hawaiian Affairs | The pebble moves along the carefully laid path to the lush forest