Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2014 — 'Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight' [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

'Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight'

want to wish you Mele Kalikimaka and all the best for 2015. Each New Year seems to come sooner. Each Old Year seems to disappear faster. I guess it's a phenomenon that comes with growing old (or young depending on your perspective and how you view the glass that you're holding in your hand) and

morphing into a "gray panther." I remember when I was 12. Oh, how I wished I was 20. I was a skinny runt then and oh, how I wished I was tall, solid muscle, one hundred and eighty pounds, could run like Jesse Owens, "leap tall buildings" and make a "dollar out of fifteen cents." Now I'm 65, overweight, slow as a tortoise and am still trying to make a "dollar out of fifteen cents." I used to be able to jog to the top of the slope we live on. That was 28 years ago; still can but only in my dreams. But the silver lining, the nu 'oli in getting old is this, within me nothing's changed. My spirit is strong, resilient and hopeful, and I will remain forever an eternal optimist. Election Year 2014 is history. I want to welcome Lei Ahu Isa into our OH A 'ohana and to our People's table at Na Lama Kukui. She will be a fresh face with new mana'o, 'ike and perspective to share. And I want to welcome home Trustee Peter Apo along with Trustee Rowena Akana, Trustee Hulu Lindsey and Trustee John Waihe'e IV. We all are returning to 560 N. Nimitz Highway and will continue to give our collective best to "bettering conditions for you." Much remains to be done in the regaining, rebuilding and reconstituting of our Hawaiian Nation in an ever changing world and in meeting our opportunities (some will call challenges) in educa-

tion, health, housing and wealth management. When we stand together with ALOHA for each other, even when we must disagree, nothing is impossible. On the personal/ 'ohana side, 2014 for Kathy and I was a happy and blessed year. Our youngest son, Imiola, got married, first in Costa Rica (May) then

in Kona (June). He and Bianca live on homestead land in Kawaihae. Our middle son, Lono, and Kara had a baby boy on June 4th - Samuel Kamaile Lindsey. They wanted a traditional name hence Samuel. Kamaile is my middle name and my dad's as well. "Oh Happy, Happy Day," a day we thought we'd never see. Our oldest son, Maluhia, who continues to lead the worship team at Mana Christian 'Ohana on Sunday mornings, is a year away from completing his studies in theology and works again framing houses on our Gold Coast now that the economy is in recovery. On the professional side, as we enter 2015 my fervent hope and prayer for OH A are two: 1) that as a Board we will work hand in hand and heart to heart with our Pouhana as true SERVANT LEADERS to serve you who have elected and given us the kuleana to execute and implement OHA's Mission, a mandate codified in law and operationalized in a Strategic Plan with clear strategic priorities and targeted strategic outcomes and results; and 2) that we will ever be mindful of our Core Values & Guiding Principles of Kakou, Aloha Kekahi i Kekahi, Pono Pau 'Ole, Malama Kekahi i Kekahi, Kuleana, Kulia, Po'okela and Ho'omau and live by these values and principles. "He waiwai nui ka lokahi." "Unity is a precious possession." ¦

Robert K. Lindsey, Jr. Trustee, Hawai i