Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2014 — OHA sends evacuation aid to Hawaiians threatened by lava from Kilauea volcano [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA sends evacuation aid to Hawaiians threatened by lava from Kilauea volcano
By Harold Nedd
As many as 600 households stand to benefit from evacuation aid being offered to Native Hawaiians who live in the path of a lava flow edging closer to their homes in the Puna area. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees approved $300,000 in relief aid to help Native Hawaiian families that may be forced to evacuate the area as lava from Kllauea volcano draws near their homes. Native Hawaiian families that are forced to evacuate will be eligible for one-time aid of $500 per household from OHA, which is making the assistance available until June 30, 2015. "This relief aid from OHA will help to provide urgently needed support
— Billy Kenoi, Hawai'i Island Mayor
for many of our families as they try to get through an extremely stressful period," said Hawai'i Island Mayor Billy Kenoi. "We are grateful for this tremendous help. Mahalo to the OHA trustees for their willingness to step in to play a role in our relief efforts." To qualify, their primary residence must be located within a manda-
tory evacuation zone designated by Hawai'i County. Also, permanent residents must be Native Hawaiian; however, applications will be accepted from anyone in a household who is a parent or legal guardian of Native Hawaiian children under age 18. Forms that will be accepted as proof or verification of Hawaiian ancestry include a birth certificate and an OHA Hawaiian Registry Card. To prove residency, an eligible household would have to provide any two of the following documents: a utility bill, mortgage statement, rental agreement, rent receipt (with address), letter from landlord, bank statement, car registration, 2013 tax return, or voter registration form. For more information, visit oha.org/ lavaaid or call OHA offices at 9206418 (Hilo) and 327-9525 (Kona). ¦
This relief aid from OHA will help to provide urgently needed support for many of our families as they try to get through an extremely stressful period."
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Up to $500 per household is available for Native Hawaiian families forced to evacuate because of lava. This U.S. Geological Survey photo from Nov. 16 shows a slow-moving breakout from Kllauea, approximately half-mile from Pahoa Village Road. - Courtesy photo