Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2014 — Fisherman's Wharf building makes way for redevelopment [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Fisherman's Wharf building makes way for redevelopment
By Harold Nedd
The vacant building that Fisherman's Wharf restaurant used to occupy on Aia Moana Bouievard has been demoiished in favor of new opportunities that wouid benefit Native Hawaiians. Demoiition crews with Waipi'o-based North Star Contracting Group inc. took Less than a month to tear down the diiapidated L0,000-square-feet buiiding, which was buiit around L940. The demoiition project caiied for saivaging the two iconic restaurant signs that used to grace the roof of the buiiding as weii as a free-standing restaurant sign at ground ievei and incorporating them into the future redeveiopment of the site, which is part of 30 acres OHA has owned in Kaka'ako Makai since August 20 1 2. For private investors and others who have previousiy expressed interest in the property, the buiiding became too cost-prohibitive to renovate. In fact, the demolition project was a direct response
to health and safety concerns stemming from the building, which became infested with termites and rats after sitting empty for a few years. The demolition project also came at a time when OHA is drawing up a master plan focused on fulfilling the potential for its properties in Kaka'ako Makai to generate revenue that could support the agency's efforts to fund community-based programs aimed at improving conditions for Native Hawaiians. "We are in discussions to use the Fisherman's Wharf property in new and exciting ways, which would make the area a gathering place in which we can all be proud," said Kamana'opono Crabbe, Ka Pouhana (CEO) at OHA. "These discussions are part of a larger effort to identify opportunities to increase the revenue we get in Kaka'ako Makai. The more money we get, the more money we will have available for social service and cultural grants as well as scholarships, which we believe not only will help Native Hawaiians, but all the people of Hawai'i." ¦
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Crews demolished the Fisherman's Wharf building in November. - Photo: Garett Kamemoto