Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 11, 1 November 2014 — HOʻOLAHA LEHULEHU PUBLIC NOTICE [ARTICLE]
HONOLULU AHUPUA'A NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES IS HEREBY GIVEN that six human burials and seven isolated human bone fragments were identified by Cultural Surveys Hawai'i during the course of an archaeological inventory survey related to the Block I Project, Kaka'ako, Honolulu Ahupua'a, Kona District, O'ahu, TMK: [1] 2-3-002:001 (por.). The landowner is Victoria Ward Limited (VWL). Background research indicates that during the Māhele the project area was within lands awarded to the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (Land Commission Award [LCA] 387), comprising the 'ili of Kukuluāe'o. Kuleana (maka'āinana) LCAs within the vicinity include LCA 1903 to Lolohi and LCA 10463 to Napela. Following the procedures of Hawai'i Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapter 6E-43, and Hawai'i Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 13-300, the remains were determined to be over 50 years old and most likely Native Hawaiian. The State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) has assigned SIHP (State Inventory of Historic Properties) numbers of 50-80-14-7429 and 50-80-14-7655 to the human skeletal remains finds. The project proponents are currently proposing preservation in plaee for all human skeletal remains. The decision to preserve in plaee or relocate these previously identified human remains shall be made by the O'ahu Island Burial Council (OIBC) in consultation with SHPD and any identified lineal and/or cultural descendants, per the requirements of HAR Chapter 13-300-33. The proper treatment of the remains shall occur in accordance with HAR Chapter 13-300-38. SHPD is requesting persons having any knowledge of the identity or history of these human skeletal remains to immediately contact the SHPD Culture and History Branch, Mr. Hinano Rodrigues, at the DLNRMaui Office Annex, 130 Mahalani Street, Wailuku, Hawai'i 96793 [TEL (808) 243-4640, FAX (808) 243-5838]. All interested parties shall respond within thirty
(30) days of this notice andprovide information to SHPD adequately demonstrating lineal descent from these specific burials or cultural descent from ancestors buried in the same ahupua'a or district. BURIAL NOTICE - KALAELOA NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES IS HEREBY GIVEN that two possible unmarked human burial sites, categorized as "previously identified," were identified by Scientific Consultant Services, Ine. during an Archaeological Inventory Survey for a proposed solar farm located in Kalaeloa, Honouliuli Ahupua'a, 'Ewa District, Island of O'ahu, Hawai'i [TMK: (1) 9-1-013:070]. The two rock mounds possibly containing human burials are presumed to date to the pre- and/or early post-Contact Period and both sites are presumed to contain traditional Native Hawaiian remains. The sites have been designated as State Inventory of Historic Properties (SIHP) State Site 50-80-12-7483 (Feature 4) and SIHP State Site 50-80-12-7486 (Feature 2). No Land Commission Awards were awarded within the project area. Proposed treatment is preservation in plaee. Proper treatment shall occur in accordance with Chapter 6E, Revised Statutes, Section 43 regarding prehistoric and historic burial sites and Hawai'i Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 13-300. The O'ahu Island Burial Council (OIBC) has jurisdiction in this matter and the hnal determination on whether the burials will be preserved in plaee or relocated shall be made by the OIBC in consultation with any recognized lineal and/or cultural descendants. Appropriate treatment shall occur in accordance with HAR Chapter 13-300-38. All persons that may have any knowledge or information possibly affiliated with the human remains are asked to immediately contact: Mr. Hinano Rodrigues, State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD), DLNR Maui Office Annex, 130 Mahalani Street, Wailuku, Maui 96743 [Tel: (808) 243-4640]. All interested persons that would like to file descendancy claimforms
and/or provide information to the SHPD shall respond within 30 days of this notice and be able to adequately demonstrate lineal descent from these Native Hawaiian burials or cultural descent from ancestors buried in the same ahupua'a or district where the Native Hawaiian skeletal remains are buried. The applicant for this project is Hawaii Community Development Authority and the contact person is Mr. Kawika McKeague, Group 70 International, Ine., 925 Bethel Street, Fifth Floor, Hon. HI 968134307, [Tel. (808) 523-5866]. WAIKĪKĪ AHUPUA' A NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES IS HEREBY GIVEN that disarticulated human bone fragments, assigned State Inventory of Historic Properties (SIHP) # 50-80-14-4570 and SIHP # 50-80-14-7676, were identified by Cultural Surveys Hawai'i, Ine. during the course of an archaeological inventory survey related to the Hihon Hawaiian Village Grand Islander Project, Waikikl Ahupua'a, 'ili of Kālia, Honolulu (Kona) District, O'ahu TMK: [1] 2-6-005:001 and 2-6-008:039 (portion). Following the procedures of Hawai'i Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapter 6E-43, and Hawai'i Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 13-300, the remains are believed to be over 50 years old. In its evaluation of ethnicity the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) has determined that the remains are most likely Native Hawaiian. Found during an archaeological inventory survey, these remains are previously identified [per HAR 13-300-3 l(b)]. Background research indicates that during the Māhele, land within the project area was awarded to Alapai (Land Commission Award [LCA] 251 1). A nearby land elaim was awarded to Paoa (LCA 1775). Hilton Hawaiian Village's representative for this project is Group 70 International, and the contact person is: Mark Kawika MeKeague, Senior Planner and Director of Cultural Planning, 925 Bethel Street, 5th Floor, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 [TEL (808) 523-5866 extension 120].
Proposed treatment is relocation within the project area. The O'ahu Island Burial Council (OIBC) has jurisdiction in this matter and the proper disposition and treatment of these remains will be determined by the OIBC, in consultation with any recognized lineal and/or cultural descendants, per the requirements of HAR Chapter 13-300-33. Appropriate treatment shall occur in accordance with HAR Chapter 13-300-38. All persons having any knowledge of the identity or history of this human bone are requested to immediately contact the SHPD Culture and History Branch, Mr. Hinano Rodrigues, at the DLNR Maui Office Annex, 130 Mahalani Street, Wailuku, Hawai'i 96793 [TEL (808) 243-4640, FAX (808) 243-5838]. All interested parties shall respond within thirty (30) days of this notice and file descendancy elaim forms and/or provide information to the SHPD adequately demonstrating lineal descent from these remains or cultural descent from ancestors buried in the same ahupua'a or district. WAIMEA AHUPUA'A NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES IS HEREBY GIVEN: that a mound with the potential of having burial components, as well as three caves whieh enshrine human skeletal remains, have been designated as State Inventory of Historic Properties (SIHP) # 50 30 06 2231, SIHP # 50-30-06-2232 and SIHP # 50-30-06-2233 and were identified by Cultural Surveys Hawai'i, Ine. (CSH) during the course of an archaeological inventory survey related to the Menehune Road Rockfall Mitigation Project located in the 'ili of Pe'ekaua'i, at WaimeaAhupua'a, Waimea (Kona) District, on Kaua'i island, TMKs: [4] 1 6 003:056; 1-6-005:017; 1-6-010:001-003. Following the procedures of Hawai'i Revised Statutes (HRS) § 6E-43, and Hawai'i Administrative Rules (HAR) § 13-300 remnants in the caves are believed to hold skeletal remains dating over 50 years old. An evaluation of ethnicity has been made by the State Historic
Preservation Division (SHPD) and both burials are believed most likely to be Native Hawaiian. Background research indicates that during the Māhele Act of 1848 the area featuring the rock mound and the three burial caves was not awarded land and was considered Crown Lands. Over 50 claims were awardedinthe '///ofPe'ekaua'i. The two closest were LCA 3310 awarded to Manu, and LCA 3593 awarded to Keikiole. These two kuleana claims are located between Menehune Road and Kana'ana Ridge. The applicant for this project is AECOM, and the contact person is: Randy Hamamoto, Project Manager AECOM, 1001 Bishop Street, Suite 1600, Honolulu, HI 96813 [TEL (808) 521-3051. FAX (808) 524-0246]. Proposed treatment is preserve in plaee. The Kaua'i-Ni'ihau Island Burial Council (KNIBC) has jurisdiction in this matter and the proper disposition and treatment of these burials will be determined by the KNIBC, in consultation with any recognized lineal and/or cultural descendants, per the requirements of HAR § 13-300-33. Appropriate treatment shall occur in accordance with HAR § 13-300-38. All persons having any knowledge of the identity or history of these human burials are requested to immediately contact Mrs. Kauanoe Ho'omanawanui, burial site specialist for Kaua'i Island, at DLNR Kauai Office, P.O. Box 1729, Lihue, Hawaii 96766 [TEL (808) 692-8015. (eell) (808) 8960475. FAX (808) 692-8020] orMr. Hinano Rodrigues at the DLNR Maui Office Annex, 130 Mahalani Street, Wailuku, Hawaii 96793 [TEL (808) 243-4640. FAX (808) 243-5838]. All interested parties shall respond within thirty (30) days of this notice and file descendancy elaim forms and/or provide information to the SHPD adequately demonstrating lineal descent from this designated burial or cultural descent from ancestors buried in the same ahupua'a or district. Mahalo nui loa na kou manawa i ho'oponopono. Malama pono. (Thank you for your time to set things right. Take care, be right). ■
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