Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2014 — OHA Invests $60,000 in HCA Native Hawaiian financial literacy project [ARTICLE]
OHA Invests $60,000 in HCA Native Hawaiian financial literacy project
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs has awarded Hawaiian Community Assets $60,000 to implement the Native Hawaiian Financial Literacy Project beginning Nov. 1, 2014. The funds will support the delivery of free, Housing and Urban Development-certified hnaneial literacy workshops and hnaneial counseling to 250 Native Hawaiians across the state who are at or helow 250 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Workshops and counseling will be delivered by HUD-certified trainers and counselors using HCA's culturally relevant curriculum, Kahua Waiwai: Buiīding a Foundation ofWealth. "We mahalo OHA for their investment in HUD-certified hnaneial literacy - services that have proven successful in assisting families in Hawai'i and across the nation build savings, reduce debt and realize their hnaneial and housing goals," said HCA Executive Director Jeff Gilbreath. According to Gilbreath, the project will build a pipeline of financially qualified Hawaiians able to access capital for hnaneial and eeonomie goals, including career development, affordable housing, education, and small business development. Participants who complete workshops and counseling will be eligible to receive $2,000 in match savings for rental housing and loans for debt reduction, small business development, home rehabilitation and mortgage reinstatement to prevent foreclosure. Financial products will be provided by Native Community Development Financial Institutions - Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement and Hawai'i Community Lending, Office of Hawaiian Affairs' Mālama Loan Program and mainstream hnaneial institutions. During the project period, HCA will track the amount of capital participants are able to secure through match savings and loans as well as increases in household ineome, savings and net worth and decreases in debt and debt-to-income ratio. To enroll in free hnaneial literacy workshops and counseling, eall HCA at (808) 587-7886, (toll-free) 1-866-400-1116 or visit hawaiiancommunity.net. ■