Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2014 — MEAO LOKO [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu



MO'OLELO Nlll I G0VER FEATURE Voters find their match page 12 BYTIFFANY HILL 0HA partners with Kanu Hawai'i for the 2014 Candidate Game in an effort to engage voters to get educated on issues, leam whieh candidates align most with their views and get motivated to vote. RELATED: See inside for a 20-page special section featuring select Candidate Game Q&As in federal, state and OHA races. The complete Candidate Game is accessible online via www.oha.org/candidategame.

EA I GOVERNANCE Boosting nation-building participation page 4 BY HAR0LD NEDD The 0ffice of Hawaiian Affairs seeks to widen Native Hawaiian participation in the nation-building process through in-person signups through the Hawaiian Registry Program.

'okakopa | october 2014 | Vol. 31, No. 10

MAIILI OLA I HEAUH Prenatal care in \ a group setting page 5 f BY HAR0LD NEDD f North Hawai'i Community Hospital's Centering Pregnancy Program, hnnQfprl h\/ 3 dr3nt frnm OHA nffprQ

^ O' mi ii ii •^•iii >w» i u » j vi iui group-based checkups and consultations for pregnant women and new mothers.

'ALEHANAKA I CALEHDAR This month's slate of activities p I i j» include indigenous film festivals in baienaar 0T Honolulu and Kamuela, a reunion [uantc ninr m Amy Hānaiali'i and Willie K at the CVclllS PAuE 14 Hawai'i Pops Concert Series and a C0MPILED BY KAĪIE YAMANAKA commemoration of the 1894 planting of Queen Lili'uokalani's Garden on the slopes of Punchbowl.

Expectant mother Kehau Springer. - Courtesy photo : Horth Hawai'i Community Hospi-tal-Waimea 4 Women's Center