Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 10, 1 October 2014 — CARMEN HULU LINDSEY [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
I LISTEN, I LEARN, I ACT Asan OHA trustee, my duty is to do what's right forthe Hawaiian people. EDUCATION: we allocated more than half a million dollars for Charter Schools, over $300K for higher education scholarships and nearly $900K for an afterschool program for students from K-12 — Na Pua Noeau. LANE I voted to fund the Aha Moku advisory committee to advise DLNR. I went to Kaho'olawe, Ni'ihau, Kalaupapa, Kaua'i and Maui to hearyourconcerns. I facilitated the transfer of free preservation land in Makena, Maui to OHA and paved the way for its use by UH's Hawaiian Studies Department as a living classroom. I bring a career in real estate and land management to my role as Chairperson of the newly formed Land & Property Committee. I have been a strong voice on Kaka'ako at the Legislature. ENERGY: I am proud of OHA's decision to support renewable energy. Lowering the cost of energy will enable Hawaiians to fully participate in, and benefit from eeonomie growth. SŪVEREIGNT I attended the Kamau A Ea conferences and meetings , including visits to Kaua'i, O'ahu, Hawai'i and Maui; in preparation for building a Hawaiian nation. I was present for Dept. of lnterior meetings on rule-making. I met with beneficiaries in Seattle and Minnesota. GŪVERNANCE: I havethe best attendance record among all trustees at board and committee meetings. I don't shrink from asking tough questions about how we manage your assets. I voted to discontinue funding to Kana'iolowalu, the Hawaiian Roll Commission, after it failed to meet its goals despite an investment of $3.6 million ACCESS: I cannot act on your behalf if I do not communicate with you. It's why I do so mueh inter-island travel and respond to your emails and calls promptly. It's why I have one aide on Maui and the other on O'ahu dedicated largely to ensuring beneficiaries have access to me. I humbly ask thatyou onee again castyour vote for me to continue asyourMaui trustee. Mahalo. Paid for by Ohana of Hulu Lindsey for OHA 52 Alokele Plaee, Pukalani, Hl 96768 • www.hululindseyoha.<om