Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 10, 1 October 2014 — REPUBLICAN TICKET [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Q1. I n i t i a 1 1 y it should be noted that the Governor's input,authority, responsibility and account-
ability with : HCDA and the Kaka'ako spei eial district has been severely i dissolved by the Legislature. i However, with that as a context, i itismypositionthattheprocess i used by the current administrai tion and Legislature to change/ i amend the policy and land-use i regulations of this portion of i Kaka'ako this past legislative i sessionwasflawed.Anychange/ i amendment to this portion of i Kaka'ako must be done with i transparency, eguity and in i regards to all interests within I this section of Kaka'ako. Accordi ingly, I will work collaboratively i withallstakeholderstoassist,as i best as I am able to, to achieve i the objectives of OHA. j Q2. I support a process to j bring Native Hawaiians together j to achieve a governance framej workthat is community-driven. j This ean happen with ... Trust. j By building better transparency i activities between stakeholders, j the Governor's office and the j community on current planning i efforts and alternative pathways j being discussed towards goverj nanee. There is a long journey j ahead of us, and we must not j only work together in a coordij nated effort, but we must trust j our work ean speak for all of j us. Respect. By acknowledging j and responding to community j concerns and/or guestions, anel j providing open communication i venues to foster positive diai logue-building towards tangible j actions and forming consensus. i Balance. By developing bridges j of understanding and keeping j all doors of opportunity open i forcollaborativeworkinadvancj ingcommunityneeds, inforging j essential relationships through j sharedvisioning,andallowingall j to participate in future-building ī initiatives that will impact all of j Hawai'i.
Q1. Initially it should be noted that the Governor's input,authority, responsibility and accountability with
HCDA and the Kaka'ako speeial district has been severely dissolved by the Legislature. However, with that as a context, it is my position that the process used by the current administration and Legislature to change/ amend the policy and land-use regulations of this portion of Kaka'ako this past legislative session was flawed. Any change/ amendment to this portion of Kaka'ako must be done with transparency, eguity and in regards to all interests within this section of Kaka'ako. Accordingly, I will work collaboratively with all stakeholders to assist, as best as I am able to, to achieve the objectives of OHA. Q2. I support a process to bring Native Hawaiians together to achieve a governance frameworkthat is community-driven. This ean happen with ... Trust. By building better transparency activities between stakeholders, the Governor's office and the community on current planning efforts and alternative pathways being discussed towards governanee. There is a long journey ahead of us, and we must not only work together in a coordinated effort, but we must trust our work ean speak for all of us. Respect. By acknowledging and responding to community concerns and/or guestions, anel providing open communication venues to foster positive dia-logue-building towards tangible actions and forming consensus. Balance. By developing bridges of understanding and keeping all doors of opportunity open for collaborative work in advancing community needs, in forging essential relationships through shared visioning, and allowing all to participate in future-building initiatives that will impact all of Hawai'i.