Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2014 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

uniting hawai i

^-^eioha mail I am a husband, fatherr educator, preacherr and community leader. [ am VOUR candidate for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee-at-Large. [ will work hard to reform OHA so that it will manage its resources for the good of H awa i i "s peo ple rather th a n V 1 m waste them on a political W soverefgn nation that is ^ - — - I dividing the community. My passion is to advance " ^ Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians 0 ^ Wt together through educationr employment and housing. « ^ [ humbly ask for your vcte t0 un'te HawaiJiI PmMl 1 : roR [hV 11 IF Kn |,] Akika i v^Pvi ' CiVM1'AK:N COMM.II iib 1 I c*3l WeW Jk ' .r>.V *


Coach Cal Lee Trask.40HA. Campaign Manager