Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 10, 1 October 2014 — VOTE YES FOR LOCAL FOOD [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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When voters cast their ballots for the Nov. 4 General Election, one of their choices ean have a signifi-

cant, positive impact on Hawai'i's agricultural future. The second proposed state constitutional amendment on the ballot will ask: "Shall the State be authorized to issue speeial purpose revenue bonds and use the proceeds from the bonds to assist agricultural enterprises on any type of land, rather than only important agricultural lands?" The Loeal Food

Coalition believes the vote should be "yes." Special purpose revenue bonds (SPRBs) are low-interest loans to creditworthy borrowers lfom private investors. While SPRBs are issued by the state, they do not use taxpayer money and require the borrower to repay piineipal and interest, just like any other loan. In Hawai'i, SPRBs are lfequently used to fundprojects related to health care, education and manufacturing, to name a few. For agriculture, SPRBs ean currently only be accessed by enterprises on designated important agricultural lands, whieh represent only 6 percent of all agricultural land in Hawai'i. This constitutional amendment will even the playing field by making SPRBs available to agricultural enterprises of all sizes, including farms, ranches, aquaculture, flower growers and nurseries. This financing could be used to improve infrastructure,

expand operations, implement workforce training or invest in on-site renewable energy projects. Amendment 2 could i also benefit the Office of Hawaiian Affairs' goal

of achieving Pae 'Āina sustainability through agricultural initiatives, including on the former Galbraith Estate land in Wahiawā, whieh currently does not carry the important agricultural land designation. If the amendment passes, OHA and its tenant farmers would be able to apply for SPRBs to finance infrastructure improvements such as soil remediation and irrigation, as well as

other training and operational needs. There are many challenges facing Hawai'i's agricultural industry. As a hui of farmers, ranchers, livestock producers, investors, food manufacturers and other community organizations, the Loeal Food Coalition has a vested interest in breaking down those barriers and creating opportunities in the quest for agricultural sustainability and food security. Any ballot initiative questions left hlank count as "no" votes, so please consider voting "yes" on Amendment 2 in the General Eleetion. For more information on the amendment and its impacts on Hawai'i's agriculture, please visit our website at www.VoteYes ForLocalFood.com. ■ Kyle Datta i.s a general partner of Ulupono Initiative.

There are many ehallenges facing Hawai'is agricultural industry. As a hui of farmers, ranchers, livestock producers, investors, food manufacturers and other community organizations. "

By Kyle Datta