Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 9, 1 September 2014 — CARMEN HULU LINDSEY [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Continuing My Commitment to the Community WHETHER I AM SINGING - or serving as Maui's voice on the OHA Board of īrustees - 1 think I ean honestly say I give it my ull. Since my cippointment in 2012, 1 htive heeome mueh more fumiliur with the chcillenges facing our people. I htive worked in good fciith to lielp move things forwcird on many fronts. īhat means encouraging personcil responsibility by urging our beneficiaries to access resources to tcike better care of their physical hecilth. Equully important for personal empowerment is making sure our young people dedicate themselves to getting the best possible educcition so thcit they eun help shape decisions about their future. On the long term policy front, I have supported investing in renewcible energy to tcike better ccire of the eeonomie heeihli of our stcite unel foster opportunities for our young people unel small businesses. Wherever my ccireer hcis tciken me, I have never stopped being a culturcil prcictitioner und ambassador of ull thcit we cherish about Hawaiian vcilues. I have four decades of experience living on Meiui unel deuling with leinel issues both on this island unel on Oahu. My commitment is to ensure the voices, needs and concerns of our people «re heard unel «cted upon by OHA. I sincerely believe thcit by working together we ean cre«te solutions to the chcillenges f«cing our communities. Nation Building AS A HAWAIIAN AND AN OHA TRUSTEE, I would support the will of the people to crecite a Hawaiian nation. I believe thcit OHA should facilit(ite the process of (idvcincing consensus unel not embcirk on iiutioii-building independently. Should there be success in consensus building with our Leiliui, then unel only then ean we as a people establish our Haweiiiein ncition. 0HA's function woulel be to provide the necess«ry resources einel commit to work with our community stcikeholdersto cre«te a criterici through a Constitutional Convention. Such a Convention should dr«w delegcites elected exdusively by eill Hawaiians, not just those who h«ve signed on to a Stcite-crecited roll. It hus to be the will of the people to eome together. īhe bottom line is thut OHA hcis an obligcition to be inclusive with eill of its stcikeholders. Whcit OHA does, and how it responds to its mission «ffects not just its beneficiaries, but everyone in Hawaii. Everywhere I trcivel «cross the islands I see people in need. I «lso see opportunities to make things better. I ask for your support to re-invest everything I h«ve leciriied to further improving the living stcindcirds of our people einel open pathwciys to advancement. īhere is mueh still to do. I am ready und better prepcired than ever before to apply myself to the chcillenges thcit fcice us. We must remain diligent to assure our keiki unel mo'opuna will have a stronger legacy to build upon. My solemn promise to you is thut I will never squander your trust. I humbly ask for your support so thcit I eun eonhnue to serve your immedicite unel long term interests through my role as an OHA īrustee. Paid for by Ohana of Hulu Lindsey for OHA 52 Alokele Plaee, Pukalani, Hl 96768 • www.hululindseyoha.<om