Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 9, 1 September 2014 — OHA Board Actions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Actions
Compiled by Garett Kamemoto
The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on board actions, please see the complete meeting minutes, posted online at oha.org/about/board-trustees.
- LEGEND # 'Ae (Yes) # 'A'ole (No) # Kānalua (Abstain) # Excused/Not Present
Motion to approve the OHA Resolution of Respect in Loving Memory of Apolei Kaha'i Bargamento. Motion to approve and *authorize funding from OHA's FY 2015 Fiscal Reserve Authorization in the following amounts below: 1. $568,860 for Hawaiian-Focused Public Charter Schools; 2. $331,140 in support of higher education scholarships; 3. $50,000 for Admin Fee relating to #2 - higher education scholarships; and 4. $896,232 for the Nā Pua No'eau Program, furthermore, any consideration for additional orfuturefunding must include a commitment to comply with OHA administration's requirements for eomplianee with OHA's 2010-2018 Strategic Plan result(s) relating to Ho'ona'auao or Mo'omeheu. *Total funding requested in #1-4 above amounts to $1,846,232. Motion to rescind the action taken by the BOT on July 15, 2014, to create the Ad Hoe Committee on Nation Building Public Education and lnformation, per the recommendation of Ad Hoe Committee Chair Trustee Peter Apo. The Board of Trustees approves and directs the administration to develop a website providing nation building educational information to the public, to go live no later than November 28, 2014. The website would include the following attributes: 1. A website name and address distinct from oha.org; 2. A framework involving separate webpages of topically organized and searchable content where eaeh resource is briefly summarized to aid users in identifying resources; and 3. Acrediblebodyofcontent, whieh a. Addresses the directives of the November 7, 2013, BOT motion involving OHA providing education on all selfgovernance models; b. Addresses the education efforts outlined in the Facilitator Framework Plans approved by the BOT on March 6, 2014. e. Is largely comprised of available on-line resources (text, video, and audio), digital versions of copyright-free resources (e.g., pdf files), curated information, or references to materials commonlyfound in loeal libraries. d. Reflects the diversity of perspectives held in the Hawaiian community; e. Results from a review process that ensures that content is appropriately vetted; and f. Is added to and amended over time.
Motion passes with nine AYES. Motion passes with nine AYES. Motion passes with six A YES, two NO votes and one ABSTENTION. Motion passes with eightAYES and one NOT PRESENT.
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