Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2014 — APO, [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Peter I Lahaina, Maui I Mid-Pacific lnstitute CR: 'Aiea, O'ahu I Maui

1. After 34 years, no one seems to know what OHA does. I would press for an overhaul of OHA's community engagement strategy to explain OHA's programs and services in language that people ean understand. Second, OHA has to broaden its message reach beyond the Hawaiian community. Hawaiian issues have an impact on everyone and OHA needs to provide opportunities for non-Hawaiians to engage in the dialogue. 2. After having served on the first Board of Trustees, as a state legislator for 12 years, in high-level state and Honolulu County government administration for several years, and as a successful businessman with The Peter Apo Company, and my community service record of serving on numerous boards and commissions for 30 years - 1 bring a deep level of experience, knowledge, community history, sensitivity and understanding of both OHA's beneficiaries as well as the impact of Hawaiian issues on the broader Hawaiian eommunity. I eome with a full deck of experience and skill sets to develop and implement public policy.