Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 7, 1 July 2014 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ELECTION FACTSHEET Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees (Adapted from the State Office of Elections Factsheet http://hawaii.gov/elections/factsheets/fsbo136.pdf) ELECTION OF MEMBERS Members of the Board of Trustees, 0ffice of Hawaiian Affairs, are nominated at a Primary Election and elected at the General Election in every even numbered year. Contests are conducted in an at-large format, affording every gualified voter in the State of Hawaii the opportunity to vote in all contests on the ballot that year. The law provides for slightly different procedures for lsland Resident and At-Large Trustees to appear on the ballot and to be elected: - Island Resident Trustees In terms of the seats reguiring residency on a particular island, if there is only one candidate at the close of filing, the candidate is immediately deemed duly and legally elected. If there are only two candidates for a residency seat, at the close of filing, then they both automatically appear on the General Election ballot and do not need to appear on the Primary Election ballot. However, if there are three or more candidates for the seat, then they must appear on the Primary Election ballot. The two candidates receiving the highest number of votes will be deemed nominated and move on to the General Election. • At-Large Trustees In a year in whieh there are three regularly scheduled AtLarge Trustee seats on the ballot, not including elections to fill vacancies that may happen, the following occurs:
1. If there are three or fewer candidates for the available seats at the close of filing, the candidates are deemed duly elected and do not appear on the ballot. 2. If there are four, five, or six candidates, then they automatically are deemed nominated for the General Election and will not appear on the Primary Election ballot. 3. If there are seven or more candidates for the three AtLarge Trustee seats then all will appear on the Primary Election ballot. a. If in the Primary Election, a candidate receives over fifty percent of the votes cast (i.e. all votes including blank and overvotes) then the person is deemed automatically elected at that time. b. "[N]o more than twice the number of gualified eandidates as seats available" will be declared duly nominated for the General Election. This means that if there are three open At-Large seats then up to six candidates will appear on the General Election ballot for those three seats. However, if in the Primary Eleetion, a candidate receives over fifty percent of the votes cast and is deemed elected, then there would only be two remaining seats available for the General Election, meaning that only four candidates with the highest number of votes would be nominated for the General Election ballot. 4. The candidates with the highest number of votes in the General Election are deemed elected. Specifically, if there are three At-Large Trustee seats on the ballot in the General Election, then the three candidates receiving the highest amount of votes are elected.