Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2014 — KALIMA, [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Leona Mapuana BP: Mānoa Punahou Ahupua'a - With the benevolence of our Oueen Kapi'olani HS: Sacred Hearts Academy Cl Waimānalo - known as God's Country K: Pae 'āina 0 Hawai'i nei - Hā'ena and Hanalei, Kaua'i, and Kaimukī, O'ahu
1. 1. Review, assess and if necessary, implement, improve S/or remove policies not constructive to the OHA trust, operations or negatively impact our beneficiaries, including legislation on all levels of government; 2. Same with the current fiscal budget, spending policies, investment and land portfolio, 0HA's LLCs and loan programs; 3. Same with 0HA's financial investment/portfolio managers. 4. The 53-400M lost to 0HA's portfolio during the 2000s two bull/bear markets should never happen again. Subseguently: 1. Possible reduction in OHA expenditures by 10 percent. 2. Lunding will be reallocated to assist Work Ready and training programs for various trade initiatives, technical, medical and other job-related skills. Although I am not influenced by the Rail and Kaka'ako, good-paying jobs will be available to the general populaee. This should be important to all Hawai'i's residents for overall eeonomie purposes. 3. No funding cuts directly affecting the betterment of our people, nor our communities. This should be foremost in 0HA's Policies. This is a "people investment." 4. The worldwide economy stands to plummet,flux and isoverall problematic. OHA must prepare for a negative impact affecting investments by saving revenue, if we want to continue to be productive and a key player in the state. 2. 1. The Triune God is #1 in my life, followed by family, friends and lāhui; 2. Employed by OHA for over 19 years; know its pros and cons; 3. ln-the-know by living on a limited ineome and doing more with less; 4. Community- and civic-minded, caring about the betterment of our beloved people and Hawai'i; 5. Compassion for people, especially the kūpuna, homeless, downtrodden, widowsandorphans; 6. Willing and open to listen to others' opinions, foresight and ideas; 7. Being a paralegal, I look at issues from a law point of view, asking the guestions of potential liability and overall effectiveness;