Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2014 — McINERNY. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Harvey Bl īaeoma, Washington H! Kamehameha-Kapālama Cl Kahalu'u, O'ahu K: Kohala, Hawai'i
1. In my current role as Trustee for the King William Charles Lunalilo Trust, our policies and procedures guide us in setting the course for that organization. Additionally, in my work as a financial adviser, where over the past 27 years I have assisted hundreds of clients in securing their financial well-being, industry standards and policies have always helped to guide my way. Specifically, at OHA, the current spending policy mandates that 5 percent of the investment portfolio's value be used to fund programs and provide grants to our beneficiaries. Increasing the portfolio's overall value will also increase the amount of that 5 percent distribution. 0HA's investment portfolio is currently valued at over S350 million and it is imperative that the portfolio achieves maximum growth while at the same time having a risk profile that is prudently monitored. These fundsshould be managed with the thought that they will have to be available into perpetuity, similar to what we do at Lunalilo Trust. Any investment would need to adhere to the reguirements listed in the lnvestment Policy Statement and would further have to be aligned with the Mission of OHA to better the lives of our Native Hawaiian people. 2. As l've stated in my answer to the previous guestion I have served Lunalilo Trust as a Trustee for the last six years. In 2008 Lunalilo Trust only had a few polices to govern the organization. With a team effort, my fellow Trustees and our executive team have added numerous policies that have guided us in our efforts to turn a struggling, challenged and isolated organization into a Home for kūpuna that is vibrant, at full capacity and operating in the black. We have dramatically increased the subsidies that we provide to the kūpuna, grown the investment portfolio by almost 65 percent and collaborated with, and benefited from, partnerships within our community that have been initiated and strengthened over the past six years.These experiences, and my expertise in the financial field and capital markets, have prepared me well to take onthis kuleana at OHA.