Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 7, 1 July 2014 — MAKEKAU, [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Keali'i E Honolulu, O'ahu E Saint Louis C Honolulu, O'ahu K Kingdom of Hawai'i

1. First, would be the revising of the governance policies from federal recognition toa neutral position.The guest for only federal recognition since 2000 has been a financial nightmare and has raised both constitutional and international law concerns, whieh has divided the Hawaiian community further as to whom is a Hawaiian and what is the Hawaiian nation. Second, is oversight of all 0HA's real estate parcels, particularly Kaka'ako Makai, so that its best use and value ean be determined thus yielding financial gains for the trust and programs but also providing for small businesses and work opportunity for the community. Third, would be serious enforcement of all the trustees' "Ethics" standard of conduct with the community/beneficiary and trustees' Meeting Attendance whether it is at B0T or committee meetings. As elected officials, things like no shows, tardiness and laek of temperance and disregard for public input have no plaee in public office, so if you can't take feedback how ean you be trusted to be a leader and give feedback? Fourth and lastly, term limits so that we keep the mindset fresh and full of possibility/potential, thus keeping the career politician at home. 2. Simply put, by addressing and putting the needs of the beneficiaries first and foremost. OHA has the constitutional authority to be self-autonomous in its affairs but instead ifs been the Legislature's piggy bank, thus the people's reguests, let alone desires, have been conditioned to the Democratic Party's idea of whatthe Hawaiian people deserve and need. In 2013 1 alone lobbied and promoted Senate Ēill 3 into conference and with helpfrom the Hawaiian Caucus and despite a last attempt to kill the measure from the current B0T it became Act 287, whieh we see today as the first OHA primary election. This type of decision making alone conveys and confers my commitment to the people's needs and interests. Add to that my "ARM" accredited resident manager experience in housing and building management with companies like Chaney Brooks, Certified Management and Hawaiiana only validates the gualification factor to be a trustee let alone a public official. Having a reputation for diligence and persistence in attendance of all OHA meetings as to be dubbed the 10th trustee from OHA staff and onlookers is the kind of skill set and eguality I bring to the B0T. Besides that, I live aloha.