Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 7, 1 July 2014 — No ka hoʻomanaʻo hou ʻana ia Rudy Leikaimana Mitchell a kekahi mau mea hou no Waimea [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
No ka hoʻomanaʻo hou ʻana ia Rudy Leikaimana Mitchell a kekahi mau mea hou no Waimea
Aloha e nā 'ōiwi 'ōlino, na pulapula a Hāloa, mai Hawai'i a Ni'ihau, puni ke ao mālamalama. On April 5, 2014, the Waimea Valley 'ohana honored the eontributions, accomplishments and legacy of Rudy Leikaimana Mitchell (1927-2008). Unele Rudy played a significant role in the life of Waimea Valley. The inscription placed at the pōhaku site in his honor, located adiacent
to the pā hula, notes: "Waimea Valley hereby recognizes Unele Rudy Mitchell for the many contributions he made towards interpreting the historical and culturally rich stories that make this ahupua'a so unique. Unele Rudy brought to life the days a Hawaiian 'ohana might have experienced in
the pre-contact years (pre 1778), with special sensitivity to authenticity and utilizing the historical information that had previously been published. Unele Rudy spent many years with Waimea Valley staff, professional consultants, and volunteers refining the details of the fascinating cultural discoveries in this valley for thousands of kama'aina and visitors to appreciate now and for years into the future. Unele Rudy located significant sites, including Hale Iwi and Hale O Lono, and became their guardian and caretaker, eventually restoring them both. He filled a file cabinet with interesting and valuable reports and authored the book From God to God, the life of Hewahewa the last kahuna nui
in Waimea Valley. Unele Rudy received many accolades over the years for his work in Waimea Valley including the Historic Hawaii Foundation's 'Preservation Award' in 1991 & 1995. It is our intention to perpetuate and acknowledge the work that Unele Rudy initiated by dedicating this location in his honor." Waimea Valley, Hi'ipaka LLC, continues to perpetuate Leikaimana's leadership and legacv bv its mis-
sion to preserve and perpetuate the human, cultural and natural resources of Waimea for generations through education and stewardship . Waimea Valley anchors and honors ancestral traditions while elevating and empowering the arts and the sciences of the present. Waimea Valley
will be hosting the gathering of musical artists whose craftsmanship is unsurpassed. In the upcoming summertime series, friends and family will celebrate Pila Ho'okani (Modern Hawaiian Instruments). The series consists of three concerts held Saturday, June 21, July 19 and Aug. 3 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The June concert, "Ke Kīkā," featured Jerry Santos, Brother Noland and Led Kaapana. The July concert, "Ho'okani Ka 'Ukulele," features Eddie Kamae, Imua Garza, Kalei Gamiao and Brittni Paiva. The August concert, "Ho'okani Ke Kīkā Kila," features Timi Abrigo, Jeff Au Hoy and Eddie Palama. Come embrace and enjoy the legacy that is Waimea Valley at www.waimeavalley.net. 19/48 ■
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Haunani Apnlinna, MSW
Trustee, At-large
Rudy Leikaimana Milehell. - Courtesy photo