Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2014 — Prince Lot Hula Festival [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Prince Lot Hula Festival
Kila Kila O Moanalua - Majestic is Moanalua, is the theme of the 37th annual Prince Lot Hula Festival, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 19 at Moanalua Gardens to honor Hawai'i's Kamehameha V, Prince Lot Kapuāiwa, who revived the once-forbidden hula of the district.
The free event, supported in part by an OHA grant, opens with music by the Kamehameha Alumni Glee Club, followed by a procession of the Royal Order of Kamehameha and other royal societies. Performances will heain with kumu hula
Robert Cazimero and his hālau, followed with ' a stellar lineup of kumu hula and dancers, includ-
ing Kai'ilihiwa "Hiwa" Vaughan-Darval, John Kaha'i Topolinski, Karl Veto Baker and Miehael Casupang, Coline Aiu, Māpuana de Silva, Leina'ala Kalama Hine, Miehael Pili Pang, Vicky Holt īakamine,
Elsie Ryder and the Joan S. Lindsey Hula Studio.
A historic and cultural treasure, Moanalua Gardens is home to rare trees, including the famed Hitachi Tree. Spreading a canopy across the acres of lawn, the trees make a perfect theater for a day of performances by Hawai'i's
most renowned hula hālau. The large lawn is a plaee to pread blankets and gather family
and pals. In the back area, low heaeh chairs are allowed. The festival's limited edition T-shirt and button will be available for sale while supplies last. The funds support the yearly event. Booths serve delicious food and showcase talented crafters and artists including noted cultural practitioners, feather expert Paulette Kahalepuna, sculptor Keith Maile and Daniel Anthony leading his Hui Aloha 'Āina Momona in pounding pa'i 'ai, giving visitors the opportunity to pound their own taro. Parking is free in the lot and on nearby streets. 839-5334 or moanaluagardens foundation.org. — Lynn Cook ■
Kaukahi petforming at the annual Gabby Pahinui Waimānalo Kanikapila, with, from left, Sonny Lim on bass, Kawika Kahiapo, Dean Wilhelm and Keale. - Courtesy: Cbelle Pahiniui