Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 6, 1 June 2014 — OHA Board Actions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA Board Actions

Compiled by Garett Kamemoto

The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on board actions, please see the complete meeting minutes, including the legislative matrix mentioned helow, posted online at oha.org/about/board-trustees.

- LEGEND 9 'Ae (Yes) 9 'A'ole (No) € Kānalua (Abstain) 9 Excused

Motion to approve Administration's recommendations on NEW BILLS and BILL POSITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION, and change ltem #2 GM703 from Monitor to SUPPORT on the OHA Legislative Matrix dated April 9, 2014, as amended. Moīion to approve Administration's recommendations regarding NEW BILLS on the OHA Legislative Matrix dated April 16, 2014. Motion to approve Administration's recommendations regarding BILL POSITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION on the OHA Legislative Matrix dated April 30, 2014. Moīion to: 1. Approve the addition of one (1) additional Full Time Equivalent (FTE) position - Executive Assistant to the Land & Property Director (Resource Management / Land Assets LOB); and 2. Approve the addition of one (1) additional Full Time Equivalent (FTE) position - Federal Public Policy Advocate (Advocacy LOB); and 3. Approve and authorize the disbursement of funding totaling $180,000 from OHA's FY 2014 Community Grants Budget to High Tech Youth Network (HTYN) for start-up capital for two (2) High Tech Youth community studios on Kaua'i to assistwith long-term planning, iniīial staffing, and to launeh a eapiīal campaign that ean ensure the sustainability of eaeh studio site. This project shall meet a minimum match funding ratio of 1:1 prior to iniīial disbursement of funding. In addition, OHA and match funding must be used exclusively to support the Kaua'i studios as a condition of approval; and 4. Approve and authorize the disbursement of funding totaling $249,811 from OHA's FY 2014 Level II Grants Budget to MA'O Organic Farms for the purpose of establishing Ho'oulu Lāhui Aloha 'Āina, an opportunity that endows edu-preneurial options and resources for kanaka maoli youth, 'ohana and community, in thefields of organic, sustainable andjustfood systems; and 5. Approve and authorize the disbursement of funding totaling $100,000 from OHA's FY 2014 Fiscal Reserve Authorization plus an additional $200,000 to be included in OHA's FY 16/17 Core Operating Budget for a total commitment of $300,000 to the University of Hawai'i Foundation to support the Senator ūaniel K. Akaka Regent Scholarship Endowment; and 6. Approve and authorize the disbursement of funding totaling $100,000 from OHA's FY 2014 Fiscal Reserve Authorization to the Native Arts & Cultures Foundation for Native Hawaiian artist fellowships; and 7. Approval of the Total Operating Budget Realignment #1 for the fiscal year 2014 as outlined in Attachment #1 (rev. 4/23/14).

Motion passes with six AYES, and three NOT PRESENT/EXCUSED. Motion passes with six AYES, and three NOT PRESENT/EXCUSED. Motion passes with eight AYES and one EXCUSED. Motion passes with eight AYES and one EXCUSED.

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