Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 6, 1 June 2014 — OHAIN THE COMMUNITY [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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SUPPORTING THE HAWAIIAN ROLL IN NĀNĀKULI A group of volunteers from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Wai'anae Hawaiian Civic Club and Hawai'i Maoli canvassed the Nānākuli community on Sunday, April 1 3 to encourage Hawaiians to sign up for the Native Hawaiian roll. Volunteers eanvassed some 1,300 homes that day, whieh was organized by civic club pelekikena (president) Mele Worthington, right, and OHA. Education and outreach about the roll was carried out in force in April, ahead of the May 1 registration deadline. As a result, OHA tallied more than 5,600 new registration forms submifted to the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission through outreach including town halls, phone banks, sign ups at community events and door-to-door canvassing in eommunities on O'ahu, Hawai'i lsland, Kaua'i, Maui, Moloka'i and Lāna'i. Qualified registrants will be eligible to participate in the organization of a governing entity. - Photo: Joe Kūhiō Lewis

OHA HONORS FORMER TRUSTEE BURGESS The OHA Board of Trustees presented a resolution to the family of the late Rodney "Boy" Kealiimahiai Burgess III on May 1, recognizing the former OHA trustee and entrepreneur for "his service to Native Hawaiians and the State of Hawai'i." Approached to help the Hawaiian community, Burgess left his business ventures behind to serve on the first Board of Trustees in 1 980. Twice re-elected, he "steadfastly believed in 0HA's purpose and cause at a time when there were few resources and a deluge of calls asking for help," the resolution says. Pictured from leftare: Trustees Dan Ahuna, Hulu Lindsey, John Waihe'e IV and Rowena Akana with Burgess family members: Burgess' daughter ūanielle Cunha, grandchildren Kaholokai and Gabriela Cunha, daughter Hualalai Cabral, holding resolution, son Kāwika Burgess and his wife, Kau'i Burgess. At right are Chairperson Colette Machado, Ka Pouhana Kamana'opono Crabbe and Trustees Peter Apo, Oswald Stender and Haunani Apoliona. Kāwika Burgess is 0HA's Ka Pou Nui, or chief operating officer. - Photo: OHA Communications