Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 5, 1 Mei 2014 — Preservation Honor Awards [ARTICLE]
Preservation Honor Awards
The restoration of Bishop Museum's Paeihe Hall will be recognized at Historic Hawai'i Foundation's annual Preservation Awards, Hawai'i's highest recognition of projects that perpetuate, rehabilitate, restore or interpret the state's architectural and cultural heritage. An awards ceremony, including dinner and a celebration of HHF's 40th anniversary, is planned for 5:30 p.m Friday, May 30 at Dole Cannery's Pōmaika'i Ballrooms in Iwilei. Among the 32 honorees, there are a handful of special interest to the Hawaiian community. They include the Hā'ena State Park Lo'i Kalo Restoration on Kaua'i; Ki'ilae Village and Trail Preservation on Hawai'i Island, whieh turned an inaccessible area covered with invasive vegetation into a recreational, educational and cultural resource for visitors and residents; and two projects involving Kalaupapa, Moloka'i, a grave-marker restoration and a historic exhibit. Tickets for the ceremony are $100, or $75 for HHF members and award honorees. A limited number of tables are available for $1,250. Tickets must be purchased by May 22 online at 2014hhfhonorawards. eventbrite.com. For information, visit historichawaii.org or
contact HHF at awards@historic hawaii.org or (808) 523-2900.