Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 5, 1 May 2014 — ACROSS THE STATE, WE'RE HEARING YOUR FEEDBACK [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Aloha mai kākou, Over the past few weeks, we've being going out into the community and hearing what you have to say about building a Native Hawaiian Nation. I was at Keaukaha, and I heard you. The feedback we got from Anahola, Kaua'i was strong. We heard your plea in Klhei, Maui, and yes we are listening. In Kalihi Valley, we heard your strong words of encouragement, and like you, we are hopeful about the future and where our path will take us. I know many are skeptical of what we're doing. Our efforts have been fragmented with few results. In short, we have to earn your respect. You have the right to be frustrated with our efforts, but let me assure you. We are listening and we're working to earn your respect. Eaming your respect is not easy because of missteps made in the past, so we understand why many of you are frustrated. We ask for your patience so we ean prove to you that we are worthy of your respect. Many of you have told us we need to give the process more time; that it feels rushed. Many told us there needs to be more education so people ean make the best decisions. Finally, there needs to be consideration of another way to sign up for the Native Hawaiian Roll than is currently provided. These are all issues that will get strong consideration. We will
take this up with our Trustees and together we will work to make the best decision for all involved. We are taking your feedback seriously and will bring it to the table because it is the pono thing to do. Meanwhile we're tapping into the community to make decisions on how the rest of the process will run. We're forming a eommunity stakeholders group made of diverse people with diverse views to decide many important issues such as how an election for delegates to a Native Hawaiian 'aha will be run and how the 'aha itself will be structured. We're getting royal societies, civic clubs andrepresentatives fromthe Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and the Lunalilo Trust to heeome involved in this effort. As this continues we ask for your patience and kōkua, but we also expect you to hold us accountable. Mueh like a eanoe needs a good navigator, we are counting on you, our community, to give us constructive feedback to make sure we head in the right direction. 'O au iho nō me ke aloha a me ka 'oia'i'o, Kamana'opono M. Crabbe, Ph.D. Ka Pouhana/Chief Executive Officer
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