Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 5, 1 Mei 2014 — A Lifetime Achievement Award for Cyril Pahinui [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Lifetime Achievement Award for Cyril Pahinui

By Francine Kananionapua Murray

We were lucky enough to chat with kl hō'alu master Cyril Pahinui after it was announced that he would be a 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. "I don't know if I deserve it," he said humbly. "But with all my performances - taking Hawaiian music to Europe, Asia and all over the United States I think my dad would be very proud. He would say, 'Right on, Son.' " Pahinui says his father, the legendary Gabby Pahinui, not only taught himmusic, but his mother taught himpahenee and together his parents instilled in him the value of hana - hard work. "I have to thank my mom and dad for this Lifetime Achievement Award. I am what I am because of them."

Pahinui speaks very highly of his family saying, "My family - Dad and my brothers are so talented. I respect all my brothers." Growing up there were six of them. "My baby brother, Martin, played in the Peter Moon Band," Cyril said with pride. At one time or another brothers Cyril, Martin and Bla Pahinui were all members of Peter Moon's groups. Cyril was a member of the Peter Moon Band and the original Sunday Mānoa, whieh Bla later joined. "My brother Bla is something special. He released a CD recently. When the three of us get together - what a sound. It's like magic. Playing with my father was a great experience for us." To celebrate the Hawai'i Academy of Recording Arts Lifetime Achievement Award on April 11, Pahinui released a limited edition reissue of the Sandwich Island Band, a CD of his 1975 band with bass player Brian Hussey, Eddie Palama on steel-guitar and Steven Hall on guitar and special guests SEE CYRIL PAHINUI ON PAGE 33

The Pahinui Brothers, Martin, left, Bla and Cyril. - Courtesy: Panini Records


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Merv Ching and Peter Moon. Meanwhile, Let's PIay Music, the slack key music video and DVD featuring Cyril Pahinui and friends broadcast for a PBS Hawai'i fundraiser, is nominated for a Nā Hōkū Hanohano Award for Music Video/ DVD. The awards show will be held at 5 p.m. May 24 at the Hawai'i Convention Center. Kani Pū Kolu, Cyril's latest CD, was also nominated for a

Hōkū Award for Liner Notes by his wife, Chelle. Together Cyril Pahinui, Peter Wook Moon (Peter Moon's son) and Jeff Au Hoy are the Hawaiian musical group Kani Pū Kolu, whieh means three sounds together. While performing at the Kani Ka Pila Grille over the past five years, the trio has had many requests for a recording. Thus they produced this self-titled CD with a rich classic Hawaiian sound. To quote Chelle's liner notes, "The tracks on this recording are the fortunate result of Cyril's mentoring and Peter's inherent talent." ■