Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 5, 1 May 2014 — JOINING THE FIGHT AGAINST DIABETES [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs in 201 4 continued as a major sponsor of the American Diabetes Association in Hawai'i's annual Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes, a 2.3-mile trek around Kapi'olani Park to raise funds and awareness. A team from OHA on March 1 5 joined the more than 1 00 teams and more than 1 ,300 walkers who eame to exercise, learn more about diabetes and show their collective support in the battle against diabetes, whieh disproportionately affects Native Hawaiians, Filipinos and Japanese. For more information, go online to bit.ly/l hrHcyO. - Photos: PmncineMunay