Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 4, 1 April 2014 — Aloha ʻĀina at Merrie Monarch [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Aloha ʻĀina at Merrie Monarch
Every year crowds flock to the streets of Hilo for the Merrie Monarch Festival Parade where family fun and entertainment ean be
had by all. This year it will be held Saturday, April 26 at 10:30 a.m. A special feature in the parade to support the Native Hawaiian voice in our eommunity will be members of the loeal eommunity promoting Aloha 'Āina, whieh means love of the land - a
lifestyle focused on the preservation and care of the land, its resources and the people connected with those lands. It's a prominent theme of many oli, mele and hula that continues to resonate
for Hawaiians today. Froma Hawaiian perspective, the land and the people are integrally connected. As stewards, people care for the land and in return the
thriving land provides elean air, water and food. Aloha 'Āina. Go green! It's a timeless concept that we all benefit from reinforcing. Join the parade and add your support for aloha 'āina. Wear green, show up with or without your Aloha
'Āina signs at 8 a.m. at the statue of King Kamehameha at the north end of the Waiola River State Recreational Area in Hilo, and enjoy yourself. For more information, contact Craig Neff
at HawaiianForce@aol.com or EKFlores @ HawaiianTel.net. Bring your pahu to E Ala E 'Āpapalani E The day after the Merrie Monarch Festival, Sunday, April 27, kumu, hālau and others will gather before dawn until 'aina awakea (noon) at Pu'u Huluhulu, Mauna a Wakea - Mauna Kea with pahu (drums) to chant and offer ho'okupu. Last year there were over 250 pahu. Perhaps this year there could be 1,000. Bring your pahu and join the E Ala E 'Āpapalani E. Also ahead, oli and pahu workshops will be held Sunday, March 30 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Waimea īhelma Parker Gym, and then in Hilo on Sunday, April 6 and 13 (times and location to be announced). For information, email Luana at alakukui@aol.com or Pua at puacase@hawaiiantel.net. ■
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Merrie Monarch Royal Parade When: Sat., Apnl 26 Where: Pauahi St. For more information, contact Craig Neff at HawaiianForce@aol. eom or EKFIores@ HawaiianTel.net.