Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 3, 1 March 2014 — Historic Preservation Basics seminar [ARTICLE]

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Historic Preservation Basics seminar

Historic Hawai'i Foundation, in partnership with the State Historic Preservation Division, will offer seminars on Historic Preservation Basics on four islands starting in March. The seminar will provide an overview of preservation essentials in the context of eaeh island community, including what is historic preservation and why does it matter, and understanding how it functions. The seminar will take plaee from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday as follows:

• Kaua'i: March 15, Kaua'i Veterans Center, 3215 Kapule Highway, Llhu'e • Lāna'i: April 26, Lāna'i Senior Center, 309 Seventh Street, Lāna'i City • Moloka'i: May 17, Kūlana 'Ōiwi Hālau at the Hawaiian Multi-Center, 600 Mauna Loa Highway, Kalama'ula • Maui: June 14, Lumeria Maui (aka Fred Baldwin Memorial Home), 1813 Baldwin Ave., Makawao The seminar is open to eommunity members interested in preserving Hawai'i's historic and cultural places, including historic preservation review commissioners; cultural resource eommissioners; planning commissioners; planning department staff; elected officials; loeal preservation organizations; community members involved with preservation issues; andplanners, architects, landowners and contractors whose work may affect historic sites. Pre-registration is required online at https://hhfpreservationseminars2014. eventbrite.com. For information, eontact Historic Hawai'i Foundation at (808) 523-2900 or email Megan@ HistoricHawaii.org.

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