Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 2, 1 February 2014 — DONALD CATALUNA, retired sugar executive and trustee, stayed true to his principles [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
DONALD CATALUNA, retired sugar executive and trustee, stayed true to his principles
By Garett Kamemoto Former Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee and retired sugar industry executive Donald Cataluna died Jan. 18. He was 77. Cataluna was appointed to the Kaua'i and Ni'ihau seat in the Office of Hawaiian Affairs by Gov. Ben Cayetano in 2000 to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Moses Keale Sr. He was elected to the seat later in 2000 and served until his retirement in 2012. Cataluna is remembered for his work to improve educational opportunities for Native Hawaiians. Board of Trustees Chairwoman Colette Machado remembers a colleague strongly grounded in his Hawaiian genealogy. She said: "Former Trustee Cataluna's eommitment to puhlie service and his passion for his culture influenced not only the direction of the Kaua'i community, but the OHA Board of Trustees. From his tenure as a poliee eommissioner to his ascent to the OHA Board of Trustees in January 2000, Don Cataluna was a man who could fiercely advocate his own beliefs and principles. He will be remembered for his steadfast dedication to the needs of Kaua'i and Ni'ihau as well as his love of family and fondness for horses."
Cataluna was born in Koloa, Kaua'i, and worked for 17 years in the sugar indus-
try. He served as vice president and manager for Kōloa Agronomics, vice president and manager of Wailuku Agribusiness, vice M president and manager of 9 Olokele Sugar Co. and chief 1 executive officer of Hilo Coast 1 Processing Co. and president of | Mauna Kea Agribusiness and Mauna Kea Macadamia Nut Orchards. Following his career in sugar, Cataluna served as a grants administrator on Kaua'i. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy; daughter Lee and . her husband, Jim Kelly; daughter ■ .
Malia Blake and her husband, Kawika; and three grandchildren. I Services k are private. m LJ
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Trustee Donald Cataluna, pictured with fellow trustees, served on the OHA board from 2000 to 201 2. - KWO file photos