Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 2, 1 February 2014 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]

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E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit a 1 1 submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!

AKANA - The Akana 'Ohana will host a reunion July 18 and 19. 2014, on the Island of O'ahu for the descendants of the children of Wong Sing Akana and Kailianu Ka'ōpūiki. The children are: Ami (Akana) Lee; Aiona Akana; z\h Yee Ka'ili (Akana) Keanini; Emma Meliaka (Akana) Machado; Esther Po'ohiwi (Akana) Todd; Joseph Kepa Akana; Rose Pi'ipi'i (Akana) Sayers; Martha Ho'okano (Akana) Smith; Rebecca Leilani z\h Choy (Akana) Tim Sing; William Ku'uleiaihue z\h Lei Akana; Poha Ah Tuck Akana aka Albert Ling Hing Lam; Harriet z\h Lin Ku'uleialoha (Akana) Loo and Mary Nāwahine (Akana) Kealoha. For detailed information, please contact us: by email, Yvette Kama at akanaohanareunion@ gmail.com; by phone, Shawny Stone at (808) 295-4139; by mail, Jeanette Stone at P.O. Box 179394, Honolulu, HI 96817 or join our Facebook Group - Ku Ho'okahi ka AKANA 'Ohana at https://facebook. com/groups/AkanaOhana/. We are seeking branch line volunteers who ean assist with contacting 'ohana, event planning, genealogy research, gathering stories and pictures of the 14 children. ALAPA - The Alapa 'Ohana Reunion will be held in St. George/Washington LIT area from June 11-14, 2014. The descendants of 01iva and Pahuaniani Alapa invite their 'ohana for four days of cultural and fun activities. The opening activities will be held at the King's Row Club House at 180 N 1 100 E #200 in Washington UT at 6 p.m., where the program and T-shirts will be distributed. Donations for 18 years and older is $25, 5 years to 17 years - $10 and those under 5 years are free. Please send donations to Vermine K. Haws at 180 N 1100 E #53 by April 1, 2014. Check family site on Facebook for cost of T-shirt. If you have any questions, eall Vermine at (435) 674-1439 or Linette Alapa Hunter at (503) 342-8700. AWEAU - The Aweau 'ohana is planning a reunion in October 2014. Join our chairperson, Kamana'opono AweauAgres, and AWEAUFAMILYTREE on Facebook. The Aweau family tree document is going on the road. It will be on display for you to see on Feb. 8, 2014, at Kapolei Regional Park, across the street from the library; Feb. 22, 2014, at Ke'ehi Lagoon Park; March 8, 2014, at Waimānalo Beach Park. The times are 10

а.m. to 1 p.m. Look for the red banner. You are weleome to eome socialize and bring your info and photos to add to the document. If you have the original document created by Larry Aweau or Henry Nalaielua, please bring it. The family tree goes back to 1670 with the ancestors from the marriage of Aweau to Kelupainahaole. Major surnames in the Aweau document are: Agres, Aipia, Aweau, Choy Foo, Domingo, Fern, Hitchcock, Ing, Kawai, Keamo, Ku, Kuikahi, Leong, Morgan, Nalaielua, Padeken, Tong, Watson and Williams. For more info, email aweau familytree@hawaiiantel.net. CUMMINGS - The descendants of Thomas Booth Cummings will be having a Reunion 2014 to be held July 11 and 12 at the Velma McWayne Santos Community Center, Pāpōhaku Park, Wailuku, Maui, Hawai'i. Please make sure we have your address so that we ean send you the registration form and other information for the occasion. Please eontact Parker Henry and Momi Cummings at (808) 242-4571 or (808) 268-5584 or email leimomicummings@yahoo.com or see the Cummings 'Ohana Facebook page to get a hold of us. H U L U/KALALAU - Hulu and Kalalau 'Ohana planning a camping get-togeth-er Fourth of July weekend, July 3 to б, 2014, in Hāna, Kaeieku 90A Ulaino Road. Bring camping gear. Please kōkua 'ōlelo to 'ohana of Lucy Kalani Kalalau and John Kalalawaia Hulu. Your help is very important. Mahalo nui loa. In need of addresses. Can reach me, Kupuna Luke Nu (Hulu), by phone, 242-0733 or address: 638 Kohomua St., Wailuku, HI 96793. Or on Facebook. KAIALAU - To all descendants of Simeona Aiwohi Kaialau and sibling Sophia Manoa Kaialau, we are planning a family reunion Aug. 15-17, 2014, on the island of Kaua'i. Family descendants of Simeona Aiwohi Kaialau are: Poni Kekahu (John, Aloha Hookano, Hana Suga, Victoria, Pilipo, Thelma Blake, Kawelo Sabarre and Simon), Bertha Ku z\nakalea/Waalani (Margaret Wong, Moke, Iliwaalani, Bertha Kalehua Kauhi), Simeon Kaialau (Robert Holi, Hillgard Kaohu, Wilbur, Otilla Kaikaka, Elizabeth Freitas), and Marie Kahumu Cox (Kaniau Torris, Frank Westly Cox, Herbert Hoover Cox, Lenore Seto). Family descendants of Sophia Manoa Kaialau are: Robert

Alaka'i (Robert Alaka'i and Edward Alaka'i), Martha Lyman (Emily Rabe, Alexander, Arthur, William, Harry), Sophia Makaawaawa (Sam Makaawaawa, Robert Makaawaawa and Marie Carson), Rosebella Machado (Ellenhelle) and Tim (Kim Kapahu), Masa, Shima, Albert, Edward, Ashford (Kala), Rebecca Niheu, Mary Aviguetero, Anna Keamoai and Julia Nakaya. For information contact Myrna Bucasas at email myrna.bucasas@gmail. eom or eall (808) 337-9475. We also have a Kaialau Facebook page with information regarding the upcoming reunion. KALELEIKI - Descendants of Samuel Kekuaokalā'au'ala'iliahi Kaleleikī and Adeline Kaniho Glenny Kaleleikī; their children Herbert Mauliola Kaleleikī, Robert Kaleo Welolani Kaleleikī, Georgiana Koiamo Kaleleikī Kamanu, Jennie Kauluha Kaleleikī Kanekoa, Rebecca Kealohapau'ole Kaleleikī CobbAdams, Hattie Kahaunaele Kaleleikī z\ni, William Leiloke Kaleleikī, Louisa Loika Kaleleikī Kahalepau'ole Helela, Mary Kaleleikī Lee, Oscar Kalā'au'ala Kaleleikī. Hui Kaleleikī 'Ohana is facilitating a "Holoholo" at Kamakalepo on June 21, 2014. We need kōkua with the food, logistics and activities committees. z\nyone who ean kōkua, please email hooheleikamakalepo@yahoo.com. KALEHUAWEHE The descendants of Nalaniewalu and John I Kalehuawehe will be having a family reunion July 3-6, 2014, on the island of Maui at Hale Nanea. Please email us with your address, email or contact number so we ean send you the registration form and other information. You ean email Shauna Gomes at hoolahou42maui@gmail.com or send any information to 42 Hoolahou St., Wailuku, HI 96793, or eall 808-357-8767. You ean also visit our Facebook page, "Are you a Kalehuawehe descendant." MOSSMAN - From Feb. 12-17,2014, Mossman descendants from around the world will gather on O'ahu for a fiveday event that celebrates heritage and family. Genealogy and other workshops will be held, there will be an 'Ohana Pienie, a lū'au and more exciting events. Registration is required at: www. pouhana.com/mossman, or for more info, email the planning eommiūee at gatheringmossmans @ gmail.com.

PIO - The descendants of Kepio aka Kaawalauole/Kaawalauloa/Keliipio/Pio and first wife Keoahu of Kaupō, Maui, will be having a family reunion on Maui island, July 3-6, 2014. Kepio and Keoahu had six children who used the surname Kepio or Pio at some point in their lives: Kahaleuahi (k), Nakoaelua (w), Malaea (w), Kaukani (k), Ipoaloha (w) and Kaleohano (k). Sampson Kahaleuahi married Anadasia Kealoha, children: z\ndrew Kaawa Sr., Anna (Kapaona), Domitila Namahana (Hui Sing), Poni, Kahalepaahao, Cecilia Kupu aka Tupu (Kaaihue), Kanoho, Kaawaliilii, Mahana, Kamaka, Joseph Iukewe aka Teve and Margaret. Victoria Nakoaelua (we are still searching for her descendants) married Samuel Kahaleauki and had possibly 1-2 other marriages, children: Kalahiki, Lousiana Helela (Joseph Keawe, their hānai children are z\ndrew Alameida and Martha Smith) and another daughter possibly named Nakoa (Henry Stuart). Julia Malaea "Maria" married first Keahinuuanu and second Sam Akahi Sr., children: Paul Keahinuuanu Adams Sr., Kaaialii, Kalahele, Paahao, Kalei, Kamuela, Lika S., Liilii aka Sam Jr., Kawailani and Andrew Taki. Samuel Kaukani married first Mele Kakaio and second Rebecca Malulu, children: Joseph Kaaialii, Annie (Peters), Samuel Jr., Paul. Ipoaloha married Theodore George Kalalani Kekiwi, children: Agnes Kamilanui (Kailewa), Mary Melia (Aiona, Cuarisma), Henry Kamaelehua aka Hua, Benjamin Keliikalahale, James Kalalani, Manuel Piimauna aka Mauna, Jessie Kamilaliilii, Agnes Akaneki (Yap, Palafox, Pimental, Perry), Julia Melia, Rachael Lahela (Baisa) and Boniface. Joseph Kaleohano married first Mele Kanakaokekai and second Minnie Aloiau, children: Nani Choy, Minnie (Lancaster), Violet Mauloa (Kowalski). Reunion meetings are held on Maui and O'ahu. Next Maui meeting is 2/15/14, 9am at Kahului Community Center Park upside between the soccer field and tennis courts. Please go to www.pioohana.com for the next O'ahu meeting info, reunion pre-reg-istrations, submit genealogy and pre-order items when the information becomes available. Contact: Ka'apuni Peters-Wong 808-375-4321, Toni Kowalski 808-436-1845, Donna HueSing Curimao 808-264-3178, Valda "Sweetheart" Baisa z\ndaya 808-572-9245, or email pioohana@gmail.com.

ALO/LOW - We are looking for descendants of James Hennan (z\hsun) Alo/Low. He was bom on Maui and his parents were Thomas Look Tam and Meleana Ahana Wong. There were nine children with Annie Kalanihale Kai. The ehildren were: Lydia Ayok, Mary Keahilani, James Kahana, Edward Carl, Thomas, Lueille, Paul Blaise, George Herman and Annie Kalanihale. There were seven ehildren with Lillian Marion Eckart. The children were: Mary Elizabeth, Robert Herman, Francis Adrian, z\nn Delores, Joseph Carl, Charles Barry and Adrienne Rita (Mui Lang). If you are a part of this 'ohana, please contact us. We are hoping to have an 'ohana gathering, on O'ahu in June 2014. For more information: email mel5261v@hotmail.com, or eall 909-244-9902, ualhpd@hawaii.rr.com, D.Cota77@gmail.com, LGspeck@aol. eom, Kimberly miller424 @ gmail.com. ESTRELLA My great-grandpar-ents arrived here in Hawai'i on the ship called the Abergeldie on May 10, 1883. Their names are Arsenio de Sousa Estrella from Sao Pedro, Ribeira Grande, Sao Miguel, Azores, and Carolina de Jesus Sosiro from Conceicao, Ribeira Grande, Sao Miguel, Azores. They eame with Manuel (B: 1881) and Maria (B: 1883). They then had: Wilhelmina (B: 1886) (my G-Grandmother); John (B: 1887) married Eliza - Children: Sammy, Ida, Walter, Frank, Vangelina, Violet & Ernest; Joseph (B: 1889) married Mary - Children: Mary, Henry, Violet, Emily, Thelma, Davidson, Evelyn&Robert;z\ntone(B: 1896)married Bella - Children: Lucy, z\ntone & Miriam. Wilhelmina, John, Joseph & Antone were bom in Hala'ula, North Kohala, Hawai'i. z\rsenio had left the family and Carolina then married Christino Lorenzo (Lawrence) and had a son Frank Lawrence and were living in Wailuku, Maui. If anyone is a descendant of this 'ohana, please contact me by email, annette913@yahoo.com or eall (808) 896-4902. KA'OHANAO KALAU PAPA Has records and resources that could provide you with information about any ancestors you might have had at Kalaupapa. Contact us by email (info@kalaupapaohana.org), mail (Ka 'Ohana 0 Kalaupapa, P.O. Box 1111, Kalaupapa, HI 96742) or phone (Coordinator Valerie Monson at 808-573-2746). There is no charge for our research. All descendants are also weleome to heeome part of Ka 'Ohana 0 Kalaupapa. ■

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