Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2014 — Queen's legacies tour [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Queen's legacies tour

A free program focusing on the enduring legacies of Hawai'i's last reigning monarch will wrap up its tour in Hawai'i public libraries in February. The final presentations of "He Eei, He Aloha: This is a Eei of Fove, The Fegacies of Queen Eili'uokalani" are scheduled for: Feb. 1 (Sat.), 3 p.m. at Princeville Public Fibrary (ph. 826-4310); Feb. 3 (Mon.), 6 p.m. at Elhu'e Public Fibrary (ph. 241-3222); Feb. 6 (Thurs.), 6 p.m. at Eāna'i Public & School Fibrary (ph. 5657920); andFeb. 13 (Thurs.), 6p.m. at Hawai'i State Fibrary (ph. 5863535). Hili'uokalani, renowned for her music, love for her homeland and complete dedication to the needs of her people, will be eelebrated through selected readings from her book Hawai'i's Story by Hawai'i's Queen, a sing-along of her music fromT//<? Queen 's Songbook, a film vignette and a brief talk story. Meleanna Aluli Meyer, descendant of Emma Nawahl, a close confidante of the queen, will serve as narrator for the 45-min-ute participatory program aimed at audiences 12 and older. ■