Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2014 — New Papa Ola Lōkahi leader [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

New Papa Ola Lōkahi leader

Papa Ola Lōkahi has named Sharlene Chun-Lumas its executive director. Chun-Lum, a former Kamehameha Schools educator, more recently oversaw the development of a comprehensive mental heahh care plan for the State of

Hawai'i. She replaces Hardy Spoehr, who retired after more than 20 years at the helm. Chun-Lum, a Kamehameha Schools graduate, earned degrees in English, education and business at the University of Hawai'i. While working at Kamehameha, she

taught, managed communications and community outreach programs, connected KS with Hawaiian-serv-ing charter schools and developed and implemented the schools' strategic plans. "Given the evolution in heahh care, this is a perfect time to develop

a fresh vision for Hawaiian health and well-being," Spoehr said in a news release. "Sharlene's experience in successful program development and evaluation, combined with her devotion to the missions of Hawai'i's ali'i to care for Hawai'i's indigenous people, uniquely qualify her to guide this organization into that healthy future." Papa Ola Lōkahi was created in 1988 through the federal Native Hawaiian Heahh Care 1 Improvement Act.

Sharlene Chun-Lum. - Courtesy: Papa Ola Lokahi