Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 2, 1 February 2014 — HOʻOLAHA LEHULEHU PUBLIC NOTICE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
NOTICE OF CONSULTATION SECTION 106 OF THE NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT OF 1966 AS AMENDED (2006) Hawai'i Belt Road Drainage Improvements and Uoeklall Protection Vicinity of Hakalau Bridge District of North Hilo, Island of Hawai'i FEDERAL-AID PROJECT NUMBER: STP-019-2(60) TAX MAP KEY(S): VICINITY OF 3-1-01 PARCELS 06, 40, 09,56, 05, 10, 11,48,49 Notice is hereby given that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, Highways Division is proposing to undertake a drainage and rockfall protection project. This proposed project is a HDOT federally funded project. It will be considered a federal action and undertaking, as defined by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended (2006). Work includes installing a new underground culvert system with drop inlets under the existing
mauka shoulders, installing draped mesh system and methods for slope protection, and resurfacing the pavement. Ground disturbance will occur approximately 30 feet beyond the existing right-of-way on both sides of the roadway. The proposed project is on Hawaii Belt Road (Route 19) between mileposts 15.7 and 16.0 (north side of Hakalau Stream Bridge). We are not aware of any historic or archaeological sites within the Area of Potential Effect (APE). Pursuant to Section 106 of the NHPA, Native Hawaiian organizations and Native Hawaiian descendants with ancestral lineal or cultural ties to, cultural knowledge or concerns for, and cultural or religious attachment to the proposed project area are requested to contact Mr. Roy Shoji via email at Roy.Shioji@hawaii.gov, or by U.S. Postal Service to Department of Transportation, Highways Division, 50 Makaala Street, Hilo, Hawaii 96720. Please respond within 30 days from date of this nohee. SEE PUBLIC N0TICES ON PAGE 25
Continued from page 23 KAILUA AHUPUA'A Notice to interested parties is hereby given that two isolated human bone fragments were discovered by International Archaeological Research Institute, ine. The find was made in the course of archaeologieal inventory survey excavations for the development of a Boys and Girls Club of Hawaii clubhouse at Kailua Intermediate School, Kailua Ahupua'a, Ko'olaupoko District, O'ahu Island TMK: 4-3-056:009. Archival research determined that no kuleana Land Commission Awards were granted within the project area, and that the ahupua'a was awarded to Kalama Hakaleleponi Kapakuhaili (LCA4452). The SHPD has assigned a State Inventory of Historic Places (SIHP) number of 50-80-06-7560 to the remains. Consolidation of the two remains at one of the original findlocations and subsequent preservation is proposed for the bones, and a final determination will be made by the O'ahu Island Burial Council in consultation with the SHPD and any identified lineal and/or cultural descendants. Individuals with information pertaining to the burial should contact Mr. Kawika Farm at the SHPD [555 Kakuhihewa Building, 601 Kamokila Boulevard, Kapolei, Hawai'i 96707; tel. (808) 692-8015, Fax (808) 692-8020] within thirty days of this notice. These individuals must provide information to the SHPD demonstrating lineal descent from these remains or descent from ancestors buried in Kailua Ahupua'a or Ko'olaupoko District. WAIKĪKĪ AHUPUA' A Information requested by Scientific Consultant Services, ine. (SCS) on cultural resources and traditional, previously or ongoing, cultural activities in the vicinity of the proposed "Hawaii Project," located on approximately 0.90 acres of land within the 'ili of Wai'alae Iki, Waikīkī Ahupua'a, Honolulu (Kona) District, O'ahu Island [TMK: (1) 3-5-003:002 and 003]. Please respond within 30 days to Cathleen Dagherat (808) 597-1182.
HONALO, MA'IHI AND KUAMO'O 1 AHUPUA'A All persons having information concerning unmarked burials present within TMK: (3) 7-9-05:076, 077 and 078, a 290.75-acre parcel in Honalo, Ma'ihi and Kuamo'o 1 Ahupua'a, North Kona District, Island of Hawai'i are hereby requested to contact Kauanoe Hoomanawanui, Burial Sites Specialist, State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD), (808) 933-7650, 40 Po'okela Street, Hilo, HI 96720 or Alan Haun, Haun and Associates, 73-1168 Kahuna A'o Rd., Kailua Kona, HI 96740, (808) 325-2402. Treatment of the burials will occur in accordance with HRS, Chapter 6E. The applicant, Fenway Development LLC, proposes to preserve the burials in plaee, in accordance with a plan prepared in consultation with any identified descendants and with the approval of the Hawai'i Island Burial Council. All interested parties should respond within thirty (30) days of this notice andprovide information to SHPD adequately demonstrating lineal descent from the Native Hawaiian remains, or cultural descent from ancestors buried in the same ahupua'a in whieh the Native Hawaiian remains are buried. Family names associated with the property ahupua'a identified through historic documentary research include Kealakai (LCA703), Kinimaka (LCA7130), Heleaole (LCA 3965), Kuapuu (LCA 5249), Keliinohokaha (LCA 7958), Kahalio LCA 7960), Kaanehe (LCA 7961), Kaiahauli (LCA 7962), Kukuea (LCA 7963), Kahaialii (LCA 7964), Kawahaaiai (LCA 7965), Poka (LCA 7978), Pinao (LCA 7979), and Lumihai (LCA 9918). CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT NOTICE Information requested by Scientific Consultant Services, ine. of cultural resources or ongoing cultural practices at undeveloped lands along Haihai Street, across from the munieipal golf course in Waiākea Ahupua'a, Hilo, South Hilo District, Island of Hawai'i, TMK: (3) 2-4-051: 001 (por.). Please respond within 30 days to Glenn Escott at (808) 938-0968. ■