Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 2, 1 February 2014 — OHA Board Actions Compiled by Garett Kamemoto [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Actions Compiled by Garett Kamemoto
The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on actions taken by the board, please see the complete meeting minutes posted online at www.oha.org/about/board-trustees.
# 'Ae (Yes) 9 'A'ole (No) t Kānalua (Abstain) 9 Excused
Moīion for the approval of a Board of Trustees Executive Policy Amendment relating to Trustee Sponsorship and Allowanee Fund. (The action item replaces the Trustee Annual Allowanee with the newly created Trustee Sponsorship and Allowanee Fund to be used for incidental expenses connected with Trustee Duties. This is the second reading of this item. Two readings are needed for adoption.) Motion to approve and Authorize $75,000 to the State of EHawai'i Lieutenant Governor's Office to support the R.E.A.C.FI. (Resources for Enrichment, Athletics, Culture, and Flealth) Program education initiative at Moloka'i Middle School and EHāna Fligh and Elementary School. Motion to approve the appointment of Trustees EHaunani Apoliona and John Waihe'e IV along with Ka Pouhana/CEO Kamana'opono Crabbe, Kawika Riley and Jim MeMahon to the Ad Floc Committee on Post-Native EHawaiian Roll Commission Planningwith a term of the Ad Floc Committee to expire on December 31, 2014. The Ad Floc Committee is charged with the following responsibilities and purview: • Propose a statement of commitment regarding OFIA's activities following the publication of the base roll and the dissolution of the Native EHawaiian Roll Commission, in supporting self-governance for Native Flawaiians; • Determine appropriate means and extent to whieh OFIA may utilize the resulting base roll completed by the Native EHawaiian Roll Commission; • Clarifyand define OFHA's kuleana as advocate, asset managerandfacilitator/convenerfollowingthe publication ofthe base roll and the dissolution of the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission; • Develop a 2014/2015 framework for OHA systems and processes for implementation of its post-Native Hawaiian Roll Commission strategies; and • Determine the appropriate resources needed to fulfill OHA's kuleana and commitment to its post-Native Hawaiian Roll Commission strategies, plan and activities. Moīion to approve the establishment of the Commission on Kaka'ako Legislation, to be overseen by the Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment Committee; The following as the members of the commission: Trustee Peter Apo, Commission Chair; Trustee Robert Lindsey; Trustee Hulu Lindsey; Kāwika Burgess, Ka Pounui; John James MeMahon, Counsel for Policy and Compliance Services; and Garett Kamemoto, Communications Manager; The following as the purview of the commission: Develop a legislative strategy to secure legislative entitlements for Kaka'ako Makai, including conducting any necessary data eolleehon, research and analysis; lmplement the legislative strategy to secure legislative entitlements for Kaka'ako Makai, including outreach and advocacy with: Community, including Kaka'ako stakeholders; Legislators; Media; Serve as the a^ene^ point of contact for this issue with: Community, including Kaka'ako stakeholders; Legislators; Media; Consult, coordinate and collaborate with trustees, administrative staff and others who are not members of the commission but possess expertise relevant to the purview of the commission; Provide regular updates on commission activities to the Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment Committee; and Recommend aehon, including positions on relevant legislation, to the Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment Committee; July1, 2014 as the sunset date of the commission, subject to later adjustment depending upon the Commission'sworkload and eomplehon of tasks
Motion passes with six AYES, one ABSTENTION and two EXCUSED votes. Motion passes with sixAYES, one NO and two EXCUSED. Motion passes with sixAYES, and three EXCUSED. Motion passes with nine AYES.
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