Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 1, 1 January 2014 — MEAO LOKO TABLE OF CONTENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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MO'OLELO Nlll I C0VER FEATURE Laying foundations for a brighter fliture for Hawaiians paoe i« BY TREENA SHAPIR0 At the 2013 State of 0HA, retired U.S. Sen. ūaniel Akaka reiterates his eall for self-governance while 0HA's CE0 strikes a hopeful tone for partnering with other organizations to meet increasing community needs EA I GOVERNANGE Purchase of fientry Pacific Design Center dominates hearing page 4 BY GARETT KAMEMOĪO oha foiiows up on a MM\ OHA moves into its tC«!d?Ss ofS n«w headquarters in Iwilei, its financing See photos on PAGE 5

'ianuali | january 2014 | Vol. 31, No. 1

MAULI OLA I HEAUH Report shows need for wide-ranging approach to health care page 6 BY LI8A A8AĪ0 The answer for improving the health of Native Hawaiians and other Pacific lslanders won't eome in a pill, says

an author of the report released by the John A. Burns School of Medicine's Department of Native Hawaiian Health 'ŌLELO PALUA I TW0 LAHGUAGES Ka Olelo Hoomalu Halawai page 17 NA DR. KEAO NE8MIĪH

The forthcoming book Nā Lula Hālāwai will serve as a resource for organizations wanting to conduct meetings in Hawaiian or English - and using rules of order adopted by the Hawaiian Kingdom's House of Nobles and House of Representatives