Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 1, 1 January 2014 — OHA Board Actions Compiled by Garett Kamemoto [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA Board Actions Compiled by Garett Kamemoto

The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on actions taken by the board, please see the complete meeting minutes posted online at www.oha.org/about/board-trustees.

Motion to approve the OHA Resolution Expressing Appreciation to former U.S. Senator ūaniel K. Akaka for his Dedicated Motion passes with eight Leadership and Service to our Native Hawaiian Beneficiaries. AYES, and one EXCUSED. Motion toapprove the OHA Resolution to Express Supportfor Kīpukao ke Ola in itswork toaddress health disparities of „ . Native Hawaiians in North Hawai'i lsland. Mohon Passeswith eight A YES, and one EXCUSED. Note: The roll oall vote for funding $595,000 to Kana'iolowalu was reported in this seotion in the Deoember issue of Ka Wai Ola. Motion to approve the following candidates as nominees for immediate appointment to the lsland Burial Councils: Motion passes with sixAYES, • Johanna Kamaunu, Nominee for Wailuku regional representative on the Maui/Lāna'i lsland Burial Council and three EXCUSED. • Evalina Watanabe, Nominee for Lāna'i regional representative on the Maui/Lāna'i lsland Burial Council • Kalena Blakemore, Nominee forPuna regional representative on the Hawai'i lsland Burial Council • Wayne "Palala" Harada, Nominee for Waimea/Nā Pali regional representative on the Kaua'i/Ni'ihau lsland Burial Council • Janet "Ka'eo" Bradford, Nominee for Līhu'e regional representative on the Kaua'i/Ni'ihau lsland Burial Council • Noelle Kahanu, Nominee for Waialua regional representative on the O'ahu lsland Burial Council To approve the following candidates as nominees to be included in our internal repository nomination list for future vacancies: • Theodore Blake, Nominee for Kōloa regional representative on the Kaua'i/Ni'ihau lsland Burial Council • Wayne "Palala" Harada, Nominee for Kōloa, Kawaihau, or Hanalei regional representative on the Kaua'i/Ni'ihau lsland Burial Council • Sandra Quinsaat, Nominee for Kōloa regional representative on the Kaua'i/Ni'ihau lsland Burial Council • James Gay, Nominee for Kona regional representative on the O'ahu island Burial Council • Noelle Kahanu, Nominee for Kona regional representative on the O'ahu lsland Burial ūouneil First reading of motion to approve the Board of Trustees Executive Policy Amendment relating to Trustee Sponsorship and Allowanee Fund. (Theaction item replacestheTrustee Annual Allowancewith newlycreatedTrustee Sponsorshipand Motionpasses with five AYES, one Allowanee Fund to be used for incidental expenses connected with Trustee duties. $7,200 isallotted to eaeh trustee eaeh ABSTENTION and three EXCUSED. fiscal year.) Motion to reaffirm OHA's support of the following billsfrom the 2013 OHA Legislative Package that will "carry over" to the 2014 Motion passes with sixAYES Legislative Session: and three EXCUSED. OHA-2 (HB224, SB410) Hawaiian Language Assessment: Requires the Department of Education to develop an independent reading, math, and science assessment test in the Hawaiian language for Hawaiian language immersion program students in grades three through six. OHA-6 (HB220, SB406) State Boards and Commissions Training Course: Seeks to reduce costs of litigation against the state and foster a more consistent and informed understanding of the laws that protect Native Hawaiian rights and the public trust, by requiring the members of certain state boards and commissions to attend an OHA-sponsored Native Hawaiian law and public trust training course. OHA-11 (HB216, SB402) Act 178 Compliance: Authorizes OHA to conduct and finance a Unaneial review of state agencies' eomplianee with the requirements of Act 178 (2006). Motion also supports the following new legislative proposals and approve their inclusion in the 2014 OHA Legislative Package: OHA-12 Commitment to Addressing Native Hawaiian Health Disparities: Amends the objectives for health of the Hawai'i State Planning Act to include a commitment to eliminating health disparities by explicitly addressing social determinants of health in order to reflect the latest medical findings relating to the health needs of Native Hawaiians, other Pacific islanders and Filipinos. OHA-13 Clarifying Remnants: Clarifies that in order for the State to sell a parcel as a remnant and avoid the requirements of Act 176, the parcel must be unsuitable or undesirable for development, and (1) Land acquired by condemnation whieh is in excess of the needs for whieh condemned; or (2) Vacated, closed, abandoned, or discontinued road, street or alley or walk, railroad, ditch, or other right-of-way. The proposed amendment would address unreasonably broad interpretations of a remnant as any land "unsuitable or undesirable for development." OHA-14 Native Hawaiian Cultural Expert on the Board of Land and Natural Resources: Amends HRS § 171-4 to add a Native Hawaiian cultural expertise requirement to one of the existing BLNR seats. OHA-15a Amendments to Archaeological Surveys: Amend the definition to "programmatic agreements" within HRS Chapter 6E on historic preservation to ensure that they are completed pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act.

- LEGEND 9 'Ae (Yes) 9 'A'ole (No) 9 Kānalua (Abstain) 9 Excused

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