Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2013 — TRANSITIONING TO A NEW CORPORATE BUILDING [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Aloha mai kākou, This month marks the beginning of a new era for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Our O'ahu office is moving to our new corporate building in Iwilei. It is an opportunity for us to refocus on our core values and principles, and our mission and vision. We must refocus our efforts on Ho'olu Lāhui Aloha, to raise a beloved nation. We do that not only by working toward recognition for a Hawaiian nahon, but we're also working to build a strong and thriving people. That means advocating for systemic changes before the state Legislature and other govemmental bodies. It also means providing grants to agencies serving Native Hawaiians, not only to serve as a social-service safety net, but to give people the tools to be the next visionary leaders of Hawai'i. Moving to Iwilei, to a building OHA owns, means we will save on rent. Meanwhile, the building will still be a commercial property, our tenants are top design firms and other thriving businesses, earning us money to help us carry out our vision. But before we move into our new hale, we must settle our na'au, and rededicate ourselves to our vision. We've been spend-

ing our time reflecting on how we carry out our mission and to setting a proud image for our community. We are rededicating ourselves to leading and pulling together different groups, such as the Ali'i Trusts, to move toward a eommon goal. Our move will affect our beneficiaries as we will be closing our office at Pacific Park Plaza on Monday, Dec. 9, 2013, to facilitate the move and reopening on Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013, at our new office at 737 Iwilei Road. (See facing page for more information on the move and a map of our new corporate offices.) At our new site, there will be ample free parking for beneficiaries and a larger boardroom that ean accommodate more members of the puhlie. We hope you visit us as we move forward to build a beloved nation. 'O au iho nō me ke aloha a me ka 'oia'i'o, C*^SL&-c

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Kamana'opono M. Crabbe, Ph.D. Ka Pouhana/Chief Executive 0fficer