Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2013 — STATEWIDE SCHOLARSHIP ʻAHA BEGINS ON OʻAHU [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
A series of 1 8 statewide Native Hawaiian Scholarship 'Aha kicked off Nov. 7 at the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa Campus Center. OHA is a proud sponsor of the fairs, whieh give students the opportunity to talk directly with scholarship providers and learn about resources that ean help them pay for college. Here, UH's Kua'ana Native Hawaiian Student Development Services Director Ku'umealoha Gomes, right, poses with students Zoe Pi'ikea Young, left, Sheridan Kailehu and Justin Ligsoy, who have gone through the program, whieh eonnects Hawaiian students with need-based tuition waivers, community service and scholarship resources. Gomes coordinated the Nov. 7 'aha in partnership with the Native Hawaiian Education Association. In all, 1 0 scholarship fairs will be held on O'ahu with eight scheduled on the Neighbor lslands. Students, parents, counselors and teachers are encouraged to attend. For 'aha information, please see page 6. - Photo: Aliee Malepeai Silbanuz