Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2013 — Hawaiian immersion is for the greater good of Hawaiʻi [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian immersion is for the greater good of Hawaiʻi

By Kaleleonalani Kekauoha-Schultz \ā Leo Kāko'o (NLK), the parent group for Ke Kula Kaiapuni 'o Maui, eontinues to look for viable solutions toward building eapaeity in the eurrent Hawaiian Language Immersion Program here on Maui. Although it is the fiduciary responsibility of the State of Hawai'i and the Board of Education, according to its own policy 2105, to support the immersion program in its planning

and procedures, families seeking immersion education have historically been marginalized to the wading pool. The growth and development of our children's immersion education has been stifled in the current Eng-lish-dominant environment of Pā'ia School. This does not discredit the caring and dedicated staff who service all students there. Rather, this is a testament to program needs. Although 'ōlelo Hawai'i is the standard within kaiapuni classrooms, onee outside those walls immersion students often revert to English in order to conduct daily school business or simply adjust to social norms. This effect is adverse to the revitalization and continuation of Hawaiian language and culture. Beyond simply aeeom-

modating growing numbers, we feel most strongly that the quality of education our keiki receive is of critical importance to the effectiveness of the program. It seems clear that a shift is needed to better align the current environment at Pā'ia School with kaiapuni program goals and halanee the playing field for those near 70 percent of the children it serves. Therefore, NLK has recently proposed the conversion of Pā'ia School to a full immersion site where 'ōlelo Hawai'i is at the center of education. Understandably, this action has sparked a very passionate discussion between stakeholders. At a community meeting held at Pā'ia School in September, heartfelt and often tearful testimony could be heard from both supporters and opponents of a conversion. There are families of the Pā'ia eommunity who prefer to see the school remain as a predominantly Eng-lish-centered learning environment inclusive of a Hawaiian-language

program. The thought of a conversion brings feelings of hurt and fear of displacement for some whose connection to the school spans several generations. So I sat and listened, having to wipe my own eyes at times, and I wondered, are we doing the right thing? How will the Pā'ia eommunity ever embrace such a major change that seems to imply no direct benefits to the people currently entitled to attend Pā'ia School by virtue of the current geographic lines? A disturbing misconception was that we wanted to kiek out Englishspeaking students when the idea of a conversion from its inception proposed a well-planned transition that would not simply put kids out. What we want is an inclusive 'ōlelo-centered school and access to appropriate and equitable education for our keiki. The scales have long since been imbalanced. This imhalanee at times reduces the voices of our children to a nicety on campus and this is unacceptable.

Exploitation of Hawaiian culture is rampant in our society and has very damaging effects to the value our children eventually plaee on themselves. The truth is Hawaiian immersion education, beyond revitalizing a language, helps to reconcile Hawai'i's past cultural dissemination, guard against current commercialization and restore its people with the foundational understanding of who we are and love for ourselves and others. The BOE, Pā'ia and Maui eommunity at large ean ehampion this monumental effort to make a differenee beyond any individual 'ohana on either side of the table, and allow for change that will undoubtedly benefit the greater good of Hawai'i and generations to eome, including your own. ■ Kalele Kekauoha-Schuītz is a parent of chiīdren in Ke Kuīa Kaiapuni o Maui., an educator and a Hawaiian euhwal practitioner.

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