Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2013 — Many 'mahalos' on Kauaʻi and on Open House [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Many 'mahalos' on Kauaʻi and on Open House
Aloha from Kaua'i and Ni'ihau! In August, Kaua'i had a lot to showcase for the OHA Board of Trustees, Administration and our larger connnunity. We had an office blessing for our new office, our Community Meeting and our BOT meeting. We all know to make one event a success takes many hands, and so it took even more to put on three successful events in
rapid succession. Ever since I was swom into ofhce at my investiture in December 2012, 1 have wanted to do something to honor and say mahalo to my predecessor, fonner Trustee Don Cataluna, who served for ahnost 13 years as OHA's Kaua'i and Ni'ihau trustee. This goal was finally realized when we had a combined ofhce blessing and recognihon ceremony for Trustee Cataluna. Unfortunately, his poor heahh prevented him from attending in person, but his wife, Dorothy Cataluna, was on hand to represent Tmstee Cataluna. So beloved is Trustee Cataluna by our Kaua'i connnunity that the mayor, entire County Council and three of our state representatives joined me, seven of our other eight trustees and senior staff from our Administration. OH A' s Neighbor Island community meetings are an annual opportunity for beneficiaries to share their mana'o and have their voices heard by the trustees. I really appreciated all the people who eame to our meeting at Wilcox Elementary School. While you brought some tough issues for us to consider, like GMO, the Blue Hole water diversion, funding needs and Kana'iolowalu Native Hawaiian Roll Commission, it was done in a respectful manner. This respect and aloha for eaeh other is important because we have Hawaiians on both sides of these and other issues facing our people. Here are some specific mahalos I want to share for helping to make these three events a success: • Ka Hale Pono for all the 'ono food at all three events • Dr. Kalani Akana for the 'oki
piko hale (house dedication) • Kahu Wayne Vidinha of Ke Akua Mana Church for the office blessing • Chair Colette Machado and Vice Chair Oz Stender, who presented a Hawaiian flag and nameplate for Trustee Cataluna • Mayor Bernard Carvalho, who presented a proclamation for Trustee Cataluna • Councilmember Mel Rapozo, who presented a certificate on behalf of the
Kaua'i County Council • Hālau Ka Lei Mokihana 0 Leina'ala for perfonning opening protocols at our connnunity meeting • High Tech Youth Network, Hui Mālama 0 Kāneiolouma, Anahola Farmers and Ranchers Association, and Anahola Homesteaders Council for their connnunity presentations • Ke Kula Ni'ihau 0 Kekaha for opening hīmeni and protocols for our BOT meeting • Kaua'i Fire Department's Fire Prevention Bureau for their hands-on demonstrations in their mobile training unit. And mahalo to all the people that helped by preparing and running these events, plus everyone who attended and shared with us. And finally, I want to invite anyone who will be on Kaua'i to an Open House we will be hosting from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 8 at our newly relocated OHA Kaua'i Office at 4405 Kukui Grove St., across from Kukui Grove Center. Many people still haven't been to the new office, so I hope this low-key event will get you to eome visit and see some of the services that are available such as: computer, copier, fax, meeting area, OHA Consumer Micro-Loan Program, OHA Hawaiian Registry Program and more. Really, this is a ehanee to stop by, say hello and see what it's like on a nonnal business day. It's also a great opportunity to just talk story - that's how we know what's going on and what's important to you. E komo mai! Mahalo nui loa! ■
Dan Ahuna TrustEE, Kaua'i aud Ni'ihau