Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 10, 1 October 2013 — Education Council [ARTICLE]
Education Council
The Native Hawaiian Education Council is seeking individuals interested in developing and perpetuating excellence in Native Hawaiian education to serve on the
eouneil. It is also seeking an administrative assistant. There are three vacancies on the 21-member eouneil of Native Hawaiian education service providers and consumers. NHEC is interested in applicants from all islands, representing 'ōpio to kūpuna. If you are interested in serving as a Native Hawaiian Education Couneil member, please email nhec@ nhec.org to request an application form. Completed applications must be submitted by Oct. 31. The eouneil is also searching for an administrative assistant to provide clerical support to the executive director and staff of NHEC.
For a complete job description and information on the administrative assistant applieahon process, e-mail Lisa Beardsley at lisa@nhec.org. NHEC was organized under an Act of Congress through the Native Hawaiian Education Act to assess the extent to whieh education programs meet the needs of Native Hawaiians; to coordinate educahonal services to Native Hawaiians; and to report and recommend to federal, state and loeal agencies about resources to address Native Hawaiian educational needs.