Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 10, 1 October 2013 — OHA seeks island burial eouneil applicants [ARTICLE]
OHA seeks island burial eouneil applicants
OHA is seeking qualified applicants to recommend that the governor appoint to the island burial councils. The deadline to submit applications to OHA is Oct. 18. OHA is currently focusing on filling critical vacancies on the councils so that they may uphold their important kuleana of protecting iwi kūpuna. However, our long-term goal is to create a pool of candidates qualified and willing to serve for every regional represen-
tative seat. This will help prevent future disruptions in service due to quorum issues when seats heeome vacant if current members are not able to complete their terms. OHA's recommendation is based on an applicant's "understanding of the culture, history, burial beliefs, customs, and practices of the native Hawaiians" in the region they seek to represent. If you are interested in applying for a nomination to your island burial eouneil, visit www.oha.org/ burialcouncils. ■