Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2013 — Paddling documentary [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Paddling documentary

A Maunalua, O'ahu, filmmaker documented Waimānalo Canoe Club women training and then paddling 41.8 miles across the Kaiwi Channel between Moloka'i and O'ahu. The documentary, Kai Wāhine, will premiere 7:30 p.m. Sept. 16 on OC16 TV ahead of the Sept. 22 Nā Wāhine O Ke Kai Moloka'i-to-0'ahu outrigger eanoe race that the film celebrates. Award-winning producer/director Ann Marie Kirk wrote, financed, edited, filmed and wrote the theme song for the documentary. A Hui Nalu Canoe Club paddler, Kirk said the film reveals "the commitment and incredible work that this sport requires ... and, most impor-

tantly, why they do it." She also interviewed Sharon Balidoy, Kelly Fey and Carleen Ornellas from other eanoe clubs. The show will repeat throughout September. Check loeal listings.