Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 30, Number 9, 1 September 2013 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
So you ean participate in shaping the new Hawaiian nation ► To address the historical wrongs against Hawaiians that have led to cultural, environmental, social and eeonomie harm ► To protect Hawaiian rights and assets (e.g., Iands, programs, scholarships) ► To determine the framework of the Hawaiian governing entity (e.g., constitution)
So you don't risk being left out You and your descendants may be excluded as citizens of a newlyformed nation and may not receive rights and benefits as citizens
KEY CONSIDERATIONS What form of government will our new nation take? ► OHA is committed to ensuring that all paths to self-governance are explored, including state, federal, and international recognition. How will a Hawaiian nation improve life? ► Resources and rights taken from Hawaiians at the time of the 1893 Overthrow may be restored to Hawaiians. ► Hawaiians will have greater kuleana (rights and responsibilities) to determine our own future (e.g., sustainable land uses, cultural and political vitality, eeonomie opportunities, social stability, etc.). ► Hawaiian values, practices and ideals will guide government decisions. Formore information eall 808.594.1835 Empowering Hawaiians, Strengthening Hawai'i @HA